睾酮基质包括 KSM-66® 南非醉茄,这是一种专有的全光谱南非醉茄根提取物,经过广泛的临床研究,支持其用于治疗与压力相关的健康问题。通过经过十多年完善的专利无酒精、无溶剂提取工艺,KSM-66® 能够保留生根中高浓度的亲水性成分和亲脂性成分。KSM-66® 与其他南非醉茄根提取物不同,因为它经过专门研究,显示可以改善精子参数、肌肉强度、男性睾酮水平和女性性功能。KSM-66® 还进行了 20 多项人体临床试验,以支持其在记忆和认知、减轻压力、改善甲状腺功能和体重管理方面的功效。
葫芦巴,俗称葫芦巴,传统上用于增加哺乳期妇女的产奶量,并作为调节血糖水平的有效工具。最近的证据发现,一种名为 Testofen® 的葫芦巴提取物,标准化为专有的皂苷混合物,可以促进男性健康的睾酮水平。一项针对 18-35 岁抗阻训练男性的双盲安慰剂对照临床试验表明,补充 8 周后,总睾酮和游离睾酮显著增加,分别增加了 11% 和 99%。另一项双盲安慰剂对照人体研究将 Testofen® 与镁、锌和维生素 B6 结合使用 6 周,发现性唤起、性高潮、性欲、性表现质量、精力和整体幸福感等自我评价领域有显著改善。第三次试验对 120 名年龄在 43-70 岁之间的男性进行了研究,结果证实 Testofen® 单独疗法可以有效减轻男性更年期的正常症状,并通过显著提高性唤起、性欲和性活动以及游离和总睾酮水平来改善性健康。
最后,特定营养素已被证明可以支持内源性睾酮的产生。锌作为增强免疫力矿物质的声誉是当之无愧的,然而,它非常适合用于健康的荷尔蒙支持。特别是,男性缺锌会对精子参数产生负面影响,它是少数已被证明会导致睾酮水平低的营养素之一。此外,锌补充剂已被证明可以提高基线水平不理想的男性的游离睾酮水平,并且可以通过增加脑源性神经营养因子和阻断大脑中的 NMDA 受体来改善情绪和认知。
维生素 D 是另一种在调节睾酮方面发挥作用的关键营养素。虽然需要更多研究来确定确切的关系,但在许多观察性试验中发现,血清维生素 D 浓度是总睾酮水平的重要、积极的预测指标。这种相关性在女性中也得到了观察。此外,一项干预性试验发现,补充维生素 D 有助于提高基线时缺乏维生素 D 的男性的睾酮水平。
总而言之,睾酮基质的配方可提供基于证据的 KSM-66® 南非醉茄和 Testofen® 葫芦巴剂量,以及支持性维生素和矿物质,以最佳地支持男性健康的睾酮水平、力量、性欲和认知能力。
KSM-66® 南非醉茄、Testofen® 葫芦巴、矿物质和维生素的混合物,可促进内源性睾酮的产生、力量、性欲和认知。
- 总体而言,睾酮基质旨在帮助支持男性的睾酮产生、力量、性欲和认知
- KSM-66® 南非醉茄是一种专有的全光谱印度醉茄根提取物,不含酒精或化学溶剂,可用于降低压力和皮质醇水平、支持记忆力和认知、提高睾酮水平以及改善男性和女性的性功能
- Testofen 是一种专有的葫芦巴提取物,已被证明可以增加各种男性群体和年龄段的总睾酮和游离睾酮、性欲、性表现、能量和整体幸福感
- 锌可用于增强免疫力、平衡情绪和平衡激素水平,并以双甘氨酸螯合物形式提供,以实现最佳吸收和耐受性
- 维生素 D3 水平不理想与睾酮水平不理想有关,补充维生素 D3 可恢复男性健康的总睾酮浓度
成分 数量
Testofen® 葫芦巴(种子,Trigonella foenum-graecum)33:1 提取物,相当于 6600 毫克干种子,标准化为 50% 皂苷** 200 毫克
KSM-66® 南非醉茄(根,Withania somnifera)12:1 提取物,相当于 2400 毫克干植物,标准化为 5% 醉茄内酯* 200 毫克
镁(TRAACS™ 镁双甘氨酸螯合物)*** 16.66 毫克
维生素 B6(吡哆醛-5-磷酸) 10 毫克
锌(TRAACS™ 锌双甘氨酸螯合物)*** 5 毫克
维生素 D(胆钙化醇) 333.33IU / 8.33mcg
成人 - 每天随餐服用 3 粒胶囊或按照医疗保健专业人员的指示服用。在服用其他药物或天然保健产品之前或之后几个小时服用。
使用期限:为了提高身体机能:至少使用 8 周才能看到有益效果。若要使用超过 12 周,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。
如果安全密封破损,请勿使用。如果您患有甲状腺疾病、糖尿病或良性前列腺肥大或前列腺癌,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。如果您被诊断出性欲减退、性功能障碍或勃起功能障碍,或者您患有任何心理障碍和/或疾病,如频繁焦虑或抑郁,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。成年女性:如果您出现毛发生长异常,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。在使用前和继续使用期间,请确保您及时进行乳房 X 光检查和妇科评估。如果您出现乳房疼痛、不适和/或压痛,或者出现关节疼痛、潮热或月经不调,请停止使用并咨询医疗保健专业人员。如果您正在怀孕或哺乳、正在尝试怀孕、正在服用激素替代疗法或避孕药、有激素或妇科疾病史(包括子宫内膜异位症和/或子宫肌瘤),请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。如果您出现胸痛、头痛、头晕、呼吸急促、流鼻血或视力模糊,请停止使用并咨询医疗保健专业人员。不建议与酒精、其他药物或具有镇静作用的天然保健产品一起饮用。如果症状持续或恶化,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。
禁忌症:如果您患有或曾经患有乳腺癌和/或乳腺肿瘤,或者您有患乳腺癌的倾向(如乳房 X 线照片和/或活检异常或家庭成员患有乳腺癌),请勿使用本产品。
Product Description
Testosterone Matrix includes KSM-66® ashwagandha, a proprietary full-spectrum extract of withania root with extensive clinical research to support its use for stress-related health concerns. Through a patented alcohol-free, solvent-free extraction process that took over a decade to perfect, KSM-66® is able to retain high concentrations of both hydrophilic components and lipophilic components of the raw root. KSM-66® is unique from other ashwagandha root extracts as it has specifically been studied and shown to improve sperm parameters, muscle strength, testosterone levels in males and sexual function in females. KSM-66® also has over 20 human clinical trials to support its efficacy in areas of memory and cognition, stress reduction, improved thyroid function and weight management.
Trigonella foenum-graecum, more commonly known as fenugreek, has traditionally been used to increase milk production in breastfeeding women and as an effective tool for regulating blood sugar levels. More recent evidence has found that a particular extract of fenugreek known as Testofen®, which is standardized to a proprietary blend of saponin glycosides, can promote healthy testosterone levels in men. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in resistance-training males aged 18-35 showed a significant increase in both total and free testosterone, by 11% and 99% respectively, after 8 weeks of supplementation. Another double-blind placebo-controlled human study used Testofen® in combination with magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 for 6 weeks, finding significant improvements in self-rated areas of sexual arousal, orgasm, libido, quality of sexual performance, energy and overall well-being. A third trial of 120 males aged 43-70 confirmed that solo-therapy with Testofen® can effectively reduce the normal symptoms of andropause and improve sexual health by significantly increasing sexual arousal, desire and activity, as well as free and total testosterone levels.
Finally, specific nutrients have been shown to support endogenous testosterone production. Zinc’s reputation as an immune boosting mineral is well-deserved, however, it is very much indicated for healthy hormonal support. In particular, a zinc deficiency in males can negatively affect sperm parameters and it is one of the few nutrients that has been shown to contribute to low testosterone. Moreover, zinc supplementation has been demonstrated to increase free testosterone levels in men with suboptimal baseline levels and it can improve mood and cognition by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor and blocking NMDA receptors in the brain.
Vitamin D is the other key nutrient to play a role in regulating testosterone. While more research is needed to determine the exact relationship, serum vitamin D concentrations have been found to be a significant, positive predictor of total testosterone levels in a number of observational trials. This correlation has also been observed in women. In addition, one interventional trial found that vitamin D supplementation helped to increase testosterone levels in men with vitamin D deficiency at baseline.
All in all, Testosterone Matrix was formulated to provide evidence-based dosages of KSM-66® ashwagandha and Testofen® fenugreek, along with supportive vitamins and minerals, to optimally support healthy testosterone levels, strength, libido and cognition in males.
- As a whole, Testosterone Matrix is designed to help support testosterone production, strength, libido and cognition in males
- KSM-66® ashwagandha is a proprietary full-spectrum extract of withania root, made without alcohol or chemical solvents, and is indicated for reducing stress and cortisol levels, supporting memory and cognition, improving testosterone levels and improving sexual function in both males and females
- Testofen is a proprietary extract of fenugreek that has been demonstrated to increase total and free testosterone, libido, sexual performance, energy and overall well-being in a variety of male populations and ages
- Zinc is indicated for boosting immunity, balancing mood, and balancing hormone levels, and is provided in its bisglycinate chelate form for optimal absorption and tolerability
- Suboptimal levels of Vitamin D3 have been linked to suboptimal testosterone levels and supplementation may restore healthy total testosterone concentrations in men
Unit of Measure above:
Each capsule
Ingredient | Amount | |||||
Testofen® Fenugreek (seed, Trigonella foenum-graecum)33:1 extract equivalent to 6600 mg of dried seed, standardized to 50% saponins** | 200mg | |||||
KSM-66® Ashwagandha (root, Withania somnifera)12:1 extract equivalent to 2400mg of dried plant, standardized to 5% withanolides* | 200mg | |||||
Magnesium (TRAACS™ magnesium bis-glycinate chelate)*** | 16.66mg | |||||
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) | 10mg | |||||
Zinc (TRAACS™ zinc bis-glycinate chelate)*** | 5mg | |||||
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) | 333.33IU / 8.33mcg | |||||
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Vegetable-grade magnesium stearate, citric acid, silica, glycine, maltodextrin. Capsule: hypromellose
Directions & Cautions
Indications: Helps support testosterone production, free testosterone levels and libido in men. Helps reduce symptoms of age-related androgen decline, increase total and free testosterone levels and increase libido, desire, and arousal for adult males suffering from age related androgen decline. Helps support women's healthy sex drive and libido. Helps promote physical performance in previously untrained individuals when combined with regular resistance training.
Directions for Use:
Adults - Take 3 capsules per day with food or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take a few hours before or after other medications or natural health products.
Duration of use: To promote physical performance: Use for a minimum of 8 weeks to see beneficial effects. For use beyond 12 weeks, consult a healthcare professional.
Do not use if safety seal is broken. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use if you have a thyroid disease, diabetes or if you have benign prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer. Consult a healthcare professional if you have been diagnosed with hypoactive sexual disorder, sexual dysfunction or erectile dysfunction or if you suffer from any psychological disorder and/or condition such as frequent anxiety or depression. Adult women: consult a healthcare professional if you experience abnormal hair growth. Ensure you are up-to-date on mammograms and gynaecological evaluations prior to use and during continued use. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional if you experience breast pain, discomfort and/or tenderness or if you experience joint pain, hot flashes or irregular menstruation. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are attempting to conceive, are taking hormone replacement therapies or birth control pills have a history of hormonal or gynaecological disease including endometriosis and/or uterine fibroids. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional if you experience chest pains, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, nosebleeds or blurred vision. Consumption with alcohol, other drugs or natural health products with sedative properties is not recommended. Consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen.
Contraindications: Do not use this product if you have or previously had breast cancer and/or breast tumours or if you have a predisposition to breast cancer, as indicated by an abnormal mammogram and/or biopsy or a family member with breast cancer.
Known Adverse Reactions: Some people may experience drowsiness. Exercise caution if operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle or involved in activities requiring mental alertness.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.