FemGuard + Balance™ 旨在通过提供圣洁莓提取物和黑升麻以及二吲哚甲烷 (DIM) 和白杨素来促进女性荷尔蒙平衡,帮助促进正常的雌激素代谢。钙-D-葡萄糖酸盐可能有助于促进过量雌激素的消除。标准化西兰花籽提取物和芥子籽粉分别提供天然存在的萝卜硫素葡萄糖苷和黑芥子酶,以促进最大程度地转化为有益化合物萝卜硫素,从而支持正常的排毒途径和雌激素代谢。维生素 B6、B12 和叶酸促进适当的细胞分化。镁和钙有助于支持骨骼和荷尔蒙健康。脱咖啡因绿茶中的反式白藜芦醇和 EGCG 是支持整体抗氧化状态的植物营养素。
Product Description
FemGuard + Balance™ targets female hormonal balance by providing chaste tree extract and black cohosh, along with diindolylmethane (DIM) and chrysin to help promote normal estrogen metabolism. Calcium-D-glucarate may help promote elimination of excess estrogens. Standardized broccoli seed extract and mustard seed powder provide naturally occurring sulforaphane glucosinolate and myrosinase enzyme, respectively, to promote maximal conversion to the beneficial compound sulforaphane, which supports normal detoxification pathways and estrogen metabolism. Vitamins B6, B12, and folate promote proper cell differentiation. Magnesium and calcium are included to help support bone and hormone health. Trans-resveratrol and EGCG from decaffeinated green tea are phytonutrients that support overall antioxidant status.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.