BETADINE® 咽喉痛漱口水有助于治疗可引起咽喉痛和口腔溃疡的感染。
- 1% 聚维酮碘漱口水有助于治疗可引起病毒和细菌引起的咽喉痛的感染。提供漱口水和喷雾两种形式,方便随时使用。
- 9 岁及以上的儿童可使用 BETADINE® 咽喉痛漱口水。
- 咽喉痛可能是上呼吸道感染的第一个迹象,尽早治疗很重要。成人和幼儿中超过
- 85% 的咽喉痛是由病毒引起的。
- 家庭信赖 BETADINE® 咽喉痛产品,可帮助治疗可导致咽喉痛和口腔感染的病毒和细菌。
成人和儿童(9 岁及以上):每天用 10-15 毫升漱口水漱口,最多四次。使用未稀释的或用一份水稀释的。使用后吐出,漱口时可能会吞下少量。使用后无需漱口。口腔溃疡时漱口 2-3 分钟。可在口腔手术或牙科手术后使用。如果症状在 14 天后没有改善或恶化,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。
1% 聚维酮碘
如果您对任何成分过敏、患有任何类型的甲状腺疾病、怀孕或哺乳或正在使用过氧化氢,请勿使用。如果吞下大量或出现发红、刺激、肿胀、瘙痒或皮疹等过敏反应,请立即联系您的医疗保健专业人员或医院。不会弄脏牙齿、皮肤和天然纤维衣服。如果不小心溅到衣服上,请立即用水清洗。可能会使假牙和牙套变色 - 使用前请尽可能取下。避免接触珠宝,尤其是银饰。
Product Description
- 1% povidone-iodine gargle helps to treat infections that can cause sore throats due to viruses and bacteria. Available in both Gargle and Spray formats for convenient, on-the-go use.
- Use BETADINE? Sore Throat Gargle for children 9 years and older.
- Sore throats can be the first sign of upper respiratory infection and it's important to treat them early. Over 85% of sore throats in adults & young children are caused by viruses.
- Families trust BETADINE? Sore Throat products to help treat viruses and bacteria that can lead to sore throats and oral infection.
1% Povidone Iodine
Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredient, have any type of thyroid disorder, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, or are using hydrogen peroxide. Contact your healthcare professional or hospital immediately if a large amount is swallowed or if you have an allergic reaction such as redness, irritation, swelling, itching, or rash. Does not stain teeth, skin and natural fibre clothes. If accidentally splashed onto your clothes, wash immediately with water. May discolour dentures and braces – remove if possible before use. Avoid contact with jewellery, especially silver.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.