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Relax Matrix Powder / 舒缓放松调理粉补充剂

Relax Matrix Powder / 舒缓放松调理粉补充剂

Regular price $58.43 CAD
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肌醇是一种类似 B 族维生素的营养素,已被证明在神经系统内的分子信号传导中发挥重要作用。它对于最佳神经递质受体功能尤其必要。通过提高受体敏感性,肌醇可以帮助平衡神经系统和体内各种激素,如胰岛素和甲状腺激素。多项人体临床试验支持这些作用,并表明肌醇有利于调节情绪。

L-茶氨酸是绿茶中天然存在的一种氨基酸,众所周知,它可以镇静心灵并提高注意力。研究发现,L-茶氨酸可以对大脑中的各种神经递质产生积极作用,例如血清素、多巴胺、GABA 和谷氨酸。总的来说,这会导致 α 脑波增加,并让人处于平静而专注的状态。

镁可以说是心理健康和认知方面最重要的矿物质之一。它对于维持正常的神经功能、在线粒体中产生细胞能量、激活 GABA 受体和阻断谷氨酸对 NMDA 受体的作用是必不可少的。总的来说,镁含量不理想会导致大脑产生促炎和兴奋状态。临床试验和大量证据表明,镁有助于缓解疲劳、情绪障碍、失眠、注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD)、认知能力下降和压力。

GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)是一种抑制性神经递质,常用于在压力和失眠的情况下放松身心。研究表明,GABA 可以对皮质醇水平产生积极影响,并减少入睡所需的时间,因此这种氨基酸对那些难以入睡的人特别有用,因为他们无法平息自己纷乱的思绪。


Relax Matrix 提供这些循证营养素的治疗混合物,以支持健康的神经系统、神经递质合成、血糖调节和情绪。 Relax Matrix 还包含少量微量 B 族维生素,以支持神经递质合成,而不会对甲基化缺陷的个体造成过度刺激的风险。 Relax Matrix 以粉末形式提供,以实现最佳依从性,并易于调整剂量方案以支持情绪、认知、睡眠和压力。



  • 循证营养素的协同混合物,可舒缓神经系统并防止过度刺激,促进神经递质合成并支持血糖调节
  • 肌醇有助于细胞通讯并提高神经递质和激素受体敏感性
  • L-茶氨酸通过诱导大脑中的 α 脑波促进平静而警觉的状态
  • 镁以易于吸收的双甘氨酸盐形式提供,以促进细胞能量产生、神经递质合成和神经和肌肉组织的松弛
  • 牛磺酸调节细胞内和细胞外电解质水平以及神经元的膜稳定性
  • 添加微量 B 族维生素,为神经系统提供温和的神经递质和辅助因子支持
  • 粉末状给药可轻松调整剂量并提高患者依从性



每勺 4.6 克

成分 数量
镁(TRAACS™ 镁双甘氨酸螯合物)150 毫克
肌醇 2 克
GABA 150 毫克
L-茶氨酸 75 毫克
L-牛磺酸 600 毫克
维生素 B6(吡哆醛-5-磷酸)3 毫克
维生素 B12(甲钴胺)75 微克
叶酸(L-5-甲基四氢叶酸)75 微克






成人 - 服用前立即将 1 勺溶解在 250-500 毫升水中,每天 2 次或按照医疗保健专业人员的指示服用。


每天提供 300 毫克或更多 GABA 的产品:如果超过 4 周,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。


如果安全密封破损,请勿使用。使用前请咨询医疗保健专业人员,尤其是如果您怀孕或哺乳,或为了确保及时治疗严重的不孕症原因。如果症状持续或恶化,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。每天提供 300 毫克或更多 GABA 的产品:请勿与酒精一起使用。如果您出现恶心、疲倦、头痛、头晕、腹痛、胀气或大便稀软,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。

Product Description

Glutamate excitotoxicity has been implicated as a key physiological pathway in many neurological conditions. Overstimulation of the nervous system can occur as a result of damaging circumstances such as post-traumatic brain injuries or hearing damage. It can also be present in common concerns such as mental health imbalances and behavioural disorders. Fortunately, a variety of evidence-based nutrients are available to calm the nervous system, combat this excitatory action and, ultimately, protect against further damage.

Inositol is a B-vitamin like nutrient that has been demonstrated to play a significant role in molecular signalling within the nervous system. It is particularly necessary for optimal neurotransmitter receptor function. By improving receptor sensitivity, inositol can help to balance the nervous system and various hormones in the body such as insulin and thyroid hormones. Multiple human clinical trials have supported these actions and shown that myo-inositol is beneficial in regulating mood.

L-Theanine is a single amino acid naturally found in green tea that is well-known to calm the mind and improve focus. Research has found that L-theanine can positively act on various neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA and glutamate. Collectively, this leads to an increase in alpha-brain waves and a calm, yet focused, state.

Magnesium is arguably one of the most important minerals when it comes to mental health and cognition. It is necessary for maintaining proper nerve function, creating cellular energy in the mitochondria, activating GABA receptors and blocking the action of glutamate at NMDA receptors. Collectively, suboptimal magnesium levels create a pro-inflammatory and excitatory state in the brain. Clinical trials and large-scale evidence has shown that magnesium can be helpful in cases of fatigue, mood disorders, insomnia, attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), cognitive decline and stress.

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter often used to relax the mind in cases of stress and insomnia. Research has shown that GABA can positively impact cortsiol levels and reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, making this amino acid particularly useful in those with difficulty initiating sleep because they cannot calm their racing mind.

Taurine is an amino acid that is unlike most others because it is not involved in protein synthesis or any structural components of the human body. Instead, taurine is found in the free form and in particularly high concentrations within the brain. It is responsible for regulating a number of physiological functions, such as intra- and extra-cellular electrolyte balancing, membrane stabilization and even lipid digestion.

Relax Matrix provides a therapeutic blend of these evidence-based nutrients to support a healthy nervous system, neurotransmitter synthesis, blood sugar regulation and mood. Relax Matrix also includes small amounts of trace B-vitamins to support neurotransmitter synthesis without risking overstimulation in individuals with methylation defects. Relax Matrix is delivered in a powdered format to allow for optimal compliance and easily adjusted dosing regimens to support mood, cognition, sleep and stress.


A powdered blend of evidence-based nutrients to calm the nervous system and protect from overstimulation, promote neurotransmitter synthesis and support blood sugar regulation. For improved mood, cognition, sleep and stress-coping.
  • Synergistic blend of evidence-based nutrients to calm the nervous system and protect from overstimulation, promote neurotransmitter synthesis and support blood sugar regulation
  • Inositol aids in cellular communication and improves neurotransmitter and hormone receptor sensitivity
  • L-theanine promotes a calm yet alert state through the induction of alpha-brain waves in the brain
  • Magnesium is provided in the well-absorbed bisglycinate form to promote cellular energy production, neurotransmitter synthesis and the relaxation of nerve and muscle tissues
  • Taurine regulates intra- and extra-cellular electrolyte levels and membrane stability of neurons
  • Trace B-vitamins are added for gentle neurotransmitter and co-factor support in the nervous system
  • Powdered delivery allows for easy dosing adjustments and improved patient compliance
Vegan. GMO, gluten, soy and dairy free.


Unit of Measure above:
Each 4.6g scoop


Ingredient Amount
Magnesium (TRAACS™ magnesium bis-glycinate chelate) 150mg
Inositol 2g
GABA 150mg
L-Theanine 75mg
L-Taurine 600mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 3mg
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) 75mcg
Folate (L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) 75mcg


Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

Directions & Cautions


Helps to temporarily promote relaxation. Helps in the normal function of the immune system, to maintain healthy metabolism and to maintain proper muscle function.

Directions for Use:

Adults - Dissolve 1 scoop in 250-500ml of water immediately before consumption, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Duration of use:

Products providing 300mg or more GABA per day: Consult a healthcare professional for use beyond 4 weeks.


Do not use if safety seal is broken. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or to ensure timely treatment of a serious cause of infertility. Consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen. Products providing 300mg or more GABA per day: Do not use with alcohol. Consult a healthcare professional if you experience nausea, tiredness, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, flatulence or soft stool.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.