- 防护罩可防止污染
- 预润滑 COMFORTIP® 易于插入
- 单向安全阀控制流量并防止回流
- Easy Squeeze® 瓶/小瓶
- 仅供直肠使用。
成人和 12 岁及以上的儿童:单剂量 120 毫升。
2 至 12 岁的儿童:单剂量 60 毫升。
2 岁以下儿童:咨询医生。
每 100 毫升溶液含有:
磷酸二氢钠 16 克
磷酸二氢钠 6 克
注意:无需完全排空设备。(提供额外的溶液量,以保证挤压后瓶中通常剩余的量。)应保持身体姿势,直到感觉到强烈的排便冲动;通常在 2 到 5 分钟内。然后应排出肠道内容物。
防篡改:纸箱密封以确保安全。如果顶部或底部盖板上带有 Fleet® 标志的密封被撕裂、损坏或丢失,请勿使用。
如果您年满 55 岁或以上,患有急性结肠炎、高血压或心脏病,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。如果您正在服用降压药、利尿剂或非甾体抗炎药,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。
警告:如果您出现腹痛、恶心、发烧或呕吐、心脏病、严重脱水或虚弱,请勿使用。频繁或长时间使用灌肠剂可能会导致肠道功能依赖。仅在需要时或医生开具处方时使用。儿童和老年人对灌肠剂的影响更敏感,更容易出现虚弱、出汗增多和抽搐的迹象。如果您或您的孩子出现肾损伤症状,包括嗜睡、呆滞、尿量减少或脚踝、脚和腿肿胀,请立即就医,不要再服用另一剂。如果使用 5 分钟后没有感到冲动,请尝试排空肠道。如果 30 分钟后直肠没有液体流出,请立即致电医疗保健专业人员,因为可能会发生脱水。
注意:除非医生建议,否则请勿给两岁以下的儿童使用。对于脱水或虚弱的个体,必须仔细确定所用溶液的量,因为该溶液是高渗性的,可能会导致进一步脱水。应注意确保给药后肠道内容物排出。应避免短间隔重复使用。如果超过 3 天,请咨询医疗保健从业者。
Product Description
For relief of constipation. As a routine enema for cleansing the bowel before rectal examination, pre- and postoperatively, to relieve fecal or barium impaction, collecting stool specimens, during pregnancy, before and after delivery.
- Protective shield prevents contamination
- Pre-lubricated COMFORTIP® for ease of insertion
- One-way safety valve controls flow and prevents reflux
- Easy Squeeze® bottle / Flacon
For rectal use only.
Adults and children 12 years and older: 120 mL as a single dose.
Children 2 to 12 years: 60 mL as a single dose.
Children under 2 years: Consult a doctor.
The preferred positions are: lying on left side with knees flexed, or in the knee-chest position. Self-administration may be carried out with the individual lying on a towel, on the bathroom floor, or in the bathtub.
Non-medicinal ingredients (alphabetical): benzalkonium chloride, edetate disodium, purified water.
Each 100 mL of solution contains: | |
Monobasic sodium phosphate | 16 g |
dibasic sodium phosphate | 6 g |
ADMINISTERING ENEMA: Enema does not require warming; may be used at room temperature. Remove protective cap from pre-lubricated rectal tube before using. Insert tube gently, pointing it in the direction of the navel. Slowly squeeze bottle to empty contents into rectum. Withdraw the tube from rectum.
NOTE: It is not necessary to empty unit completely. (An extra amount of solution is provided to allow for the quantity normally remaining in bottle after squeezing.) Body position should be maintained until a strong urge to have a bowel movement is felt; usually within 2 to 5 minutes. Contents of bowel should then be expelled.
Store at room temperature, 15-30℃.
TAMPER EVIDENT: Carton sealed for safety. If seal with Fleet® emblem on top or bottom flap is torn, damaged or missing, do not use.
CONSULT A HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO USE IF you are 55 years old or older, have acute colitis, high blood pressure or a heart condition. CONSULT A HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO USE IF you are taking blood pressure medication, diuretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
WARNINGS: Do not use if you are experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, fever or vomiting, cardiac disease, severe dehydration or debility. Frequent or prolonged use of enemas may result in dependence for bowel function. Use only when needed or when prescribed by a doctor. Children and elderly persons are more sensitive to the effects of enemas and are more likely to show signs of weakness, increased sweating and convulsions. If you or your child experiences symptoms of kidney injury including drowsiness, sluggishness, decreased amount of urine, or swelling of the ankles, feet and legs, seek medical attention immediately and do not take another dose. If no urge is felt after 5 minutes of using, try to empty bowel. Call a health care professional promptly if no liquid comes out of the rectum after 30 minutes because dehydration could occur.
CAUTION: DO NOT ADMINISTER TO CHILDREN UNDER TWO YEARS OF AGE EXCEPT ON THE ADVICE OF A DOCTOR. In dehydrated or weakened individuals, volume of solution administered must be carefully determined, since the solution is hypertonic and may cause further dehydration. Care should be taken to ensure that contents of the bowel are expelled after administration. Repeated usage at short intervals should be avoided. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 days.
For relief of constipation acts within minutes
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.