吡哆醛-5-磷酸是维生素 B6(吡哆醇)的代谢活性辅酶形式,可实现多种生物功能。吡哆醛-5-磷酸的作用主要涉及氨基酸和其他氮化合物的代谢。在肝脏中,吡哆醛-5-磷酸作为转氨酶的辅酶,对于从氨基酸产生葡萄糖至关重要。肝脏和肌肉也需要吡哆醛-5-磷酸来获取储存的糖原以产生葡萄糖,并从氨基酸色氨酸合成烟酸。在红细胞中,吡哆醛-5-磷酸是血红蛋白合成和氧亲和力调节所必需的。此外,细胞对类固醇激素的接受性也受吡哆醛-5-磷酸的影响。在神经系统中,吡哆醛-5-磷酸是合成多种神经递质所必需的,包括血清素(来自色氨酸)、牛磺酸、多巴胺、去甲肾上腺素、组胺和γ-氨基丁酸 (GABA)。
- 优化维生素 B6 代谢活性形式的摄入量
- 宏量营养素代谢
维生素 B6(吡哆醛-5'-磷酸)| 50 毫克
青少年(9-18 岁):每天服用 1 粒胶囊或按照您的医疗保健医生的指示服用。
成人:每天服用 1-2 次,每次 1 粒胶囊或按照您的医疗保健医生的指示服用。
Product Description
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is the metabolically active coenzyme form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and accomplishes numerous biological functions. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate's actions mainly involve the metabolism of amino acids and other nitrogen compounds. In the liver, pyridoxal-5-phosphate is essential for glucose production from amino acids through its role as a coenzyme for the transaminase enzymes. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is also needed in the liver and muscles to access stored glycogen for glucose production, and to synthesize niacin from the amino acid tryptophan. In red blood cells, pyridoxal-5-phosphate is needed for hemoglobin synthesis and the regulation of oxygen affinity. Moreover, cell receptivity to steroid hormones is influenced by pyridoxal-5-phosphate. In the nervous system, pyridoxal-5-phosphate is needed for synthesis of several neurotransmitters, including serotonin (from tryptophan), taurine, dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
- Optimize intake of a metabolically active form of Vitamin B6
- Macronutrient metabolism
Medicinal Ingredients (per capsule):
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5’-phosphate) | 50 mg
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Cellulose, hypromellose (capsule), ascorbyl palmitate.
Adolescents (9-18 years): Take 1 capsule daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Adults: Take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Keep out of the reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Store in a cool, dry place. Contents may not ¬fill package in order to accommodate required labeling. Please rely on stated quantity.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.