PurePaleo™ 蛋白粉是一种新颖、美味、不含乳制品的蛋白粉,每份可产生 21 克蛋白质。它含有 HydroBEEF™,这是一种高度浓缩的纯牛肉蛋白,通过独家专有工艺生产,可将蛋白质水解成更多肽,从而更容易吸收和同化。本产品含有来自瑞典饲养的动物的牛肉,未使用激素或抗生素,并且不含任何转基因谷物、草和/或青贮饲料。对于那些想要真正的 Paleo 蛋白质来源、想要牛肉的力量来锻炼肌肉、软骨和韧带并且对乳制品敏感的人来说,这是一种理想的蛋白质。
Product Description
PurePaleo™ Protein is a novel, great-tasting, dairy-free protein powder, yielding 21 g of protein per serving. It contains HydroBEEF™, a highly concentrated, pure beef protein, produced through an exclusive proprietary process that allows the protein to be hydrolyzed into more peptides, resulting in easier absorption and assimilation. This product contains beef from animals raised in Sweden without hormones or antibiotics, and is free of any GMO grains, grasses, and/or ensilage. This is an ideal protein for those who want a true Paleo protein source, want the power of beef to build muscle, cartilage and ligaments, and are dairy sensitive.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.