- 通过低热量饮食和定期锻炼,支持体重管理,这是健康生活方式的一部分
- 温和缓解便秘和排便不规律
- 方便的粉末配方,易于分配
PureLean® Fibre 含有 PreticX™ 木寡糖、来自葡甘露聚糖、瓜尔胶、苹果果胶和梅子粉的可溶性纤维以及来自纤维素和亚麻籽的不溶性纤维的混合物。可溶性纤维有助于减缓消化速度,促进消化健康和营养吸收。它还能吸收水分,增加消化道的体积,支持体重管理,这是健康生活方式的一部分,包括低热量饮食和定期锻炼。研究表明,葡甘露聚糖的高分子量和粘度特别支持这些效果。在一项为期八周的双盲试验中,葡甘露聚糖与健康生活方式相结合,为体重管理提供了统计上显著的支持。纤维还促进胃肠道。蠕动和规律性,通过增加体积来支持健康的排便和更柔软的大便。对葡甘露聚糖的研究表明,这种纤维可促进腹部舒适、胃肠道蠕动和排便规律,并且耐受性良好。此外,木寡糖和可溶性纤维在大肠中被肠道菌群发酵,产生短链脂肪酸 (SCFA)。SCFA 是结肠的重要能量来源,可以促进健康的胃肠道蠕动。SCFA 还能使肠道环境保持酸性,为有益细菌的生长提供最佳条件。临床研究表明,PreticX™ 耐受性良好,不太可能引起与其他寡糖相关的常见胃肠道不适,例如腹胀或胀气。
每 1 勺(7.2 克)的药用成分:镁(柠檬酸镁)50 毫克、PreticXTM 木寡糖 350 毫克、CreaFibe 纤维素(来自峨眉竹/竹茎)1605 毫克、Sunfiber® 水解瓜尔胶 1500 毫克、亚麻籽(Linum usitatissimum)1085 毫克、葡甘露聚糖(来自魔芋块茎)500 毫克(2.6:1,1300 毫克干当量)、西梅(Prunus domestica)果实 500 毫克、果胶(来自 Malus domestica 果实)250 毫克。非药用成分:木糖醇、罗汉果提取物
推荐使用:对于参与体重管理计划的个人来说,可以作为健康生活方式的补充,包括低热量饮食和定期体育锻炼。可温和缓解便秘和排便不规律。推荐剂量:成人:每日三次,每次 1 勺(7.2 克),随餐服用,服用其他药物或天然保健产品前或后两小时服用,或按照医疗保健从业人员的指示服用。将每勺与至少 240 毫升液体混合,快速搅拌并立即饮用。睡前不要立即服用。服用本产品时如果液体不足,可能会导致喉咙、食道或肠道窒息或食道阻塞。请勿干吞。如果使用超过 10 周,请咨询医疗保健从业人员。
警告:如果您怀孕、哺乳、服用抑制腹腔运动的药物、患有糖尿病、出现腹痛、恶心、呕吐或发烧等症状,或排便习惯突然改变且持续超过 2 周,未确诊的直肠出血,或使用泻药后排便失败,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。泻药作用在 12-72 小时内观察到,可能需要长达 3 天。如果症状恶化或 7 天内未出现泻药作用,请咨询医疗保健从业者。禁忌症:如果您吞咽困难,请勿使用。已知不良反应:如果您服用本产品后出现胸痛、呕吐或吞咽或呼吸困难,请立即就医。据报道,有腹泻、胀气、腹泻和腹部不适。已知在极少数情况下会发生过敏等超敏反应;在这种情况下,请停止使用。可能会引起轻微的胃肠不适。
Product Description
- Supports weight management as part of a healthy lifestyle with a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise
- Provides gentle relief of constipation and irregularity
- Convenient powder formula for easy dispensing
PureLean® Fibre contains a blend of PreticX™ xylooligosaccharides, soluble fibres from glucomannan, guar gum, apple pectin and prune powder, and insoluble fibres from cellulose and flaxseed. Soluble fibre helps slow the rate of digestion, promoting digestive health and nutrient absorption. It also absorbs water and adds bulk in the digestive tract to support weight management as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise. Research has revealed that the high molecular weight and viscosity of glucomannan is particularly supportive of these effects. In an eight-week double-blind trial, glucomannan provided statistically significant support for weight management in combination with a healthy lifestyle. Fibre also promotes G.I. motility and regularity, supporting healthy bowel movements and softer stools by adding bulk. Studies with glucomannan indicate that this fibre promotes abdominal comfort, G.I. motility and bowel regularity, and is well-tolerated. Furthermore, xylooligosaccharides and soluble fibres are fermented in the large intestines by intestinal microflora, producing short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are important energy sources for the colon and can promote healthy gastrointestinal motility. SCFAs also keep the intestinal environment acidic, providing optimal conditions for beneficial bacteria to thrive. Clinical research has demonstrated that PreticX™ is well-tolerated and less likely to cause the common gastrointestinal complaints associated with other oligosaccharides, such as bloating or gas.
Medicinal Ingredients per 1 scoop (7.2 g): Magnesium (Magnesium citrate) 50 mg, PreticXTM Xylooligosaccharides 350 mg, CreaFibe Cellulose (from Bambusa emeiensis/Bambusa textilis stem) 1605 mg, Sunfiber® Hydrolyzed guar gum 1500 mg, Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) 1085 mg, Glucomannan (from Amorphphallus konjac tuber) 500 mg (2.6:1, 1300 mg dried equivalent), Prune plum (Prunus domestica) Fruit 500 mg, Pectin (from Malus domestica fruit) 250 mg. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Xylitol, Monk fruit extract
Recommended Use: Could be a compliment to a healthy lif estyle that incorporates a calorie-reduced diet and regular physical activity for individuals involved in a weight management program. Provides gentle relief of constipation and irregularity. Recommended Dose: Adults: Take 1 scoop (7.2 g) 3 times daily with meals, two hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Mix each scoop with at least 240 ml liquid, stir briskly and drink immediately. Not to be taken immediately before bedtime. Taking this product with insufficient liquid may result in choking or esophageal blockage of the throat, esophagus or intestine. Do notswallow in dry form. Consult a healthcare practitioner for use beyond 10 weeks.
Warning: Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medications which inhibit perist altic movement, have diabetes, symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or fever, or are experiencing a sudden change in bowel habits that has persisted for more than 2 weeks, undiagnosed rectal bleeding, or have failed to defecate following the use of a laxative product. Laxative effects observed in 12-72 hours and may take up to 3 days. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms worsen or if laxative effect does not occur within 7 days. Contraindications: Do not use if you have difficulty swallowing. Known Adverse Reactions: Seek immediate medical attention if you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty swallowing or breathing after taking the product. Loose stools, flatulence, diarrhoea, and abdominal discomfort have been reported. Hypersensitivity, such as allergy, has been known to occur in rare cases; in which case, discontinue use. May cause mild gastro-intestinal discomfort.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.