- 帮助钙的吸收和利用
- 提供 DimaCal® 苹果酸二钙和柠檬酸苹果酸钙的组合
骨质平衡 提供高钙骨骼支持配方,并添加维生素 D 等营养因子,以促进最佳的钙吸收和保留,同时增强健康的骨骼矿化。OsteoBalance 每天提供 344 毫克钙,并结合全面的骨骼构建重要营养素,如维生素 C 和 D、镁、锰和锌。随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究报告称,补钙对骨骼健康具有统计学显著的益处。苹果酸钙和柠檬酸苹果酸钙都是生物利用度高的钙形式。在一项为期两年的双盲安慰剂对照试验中,柠檬酸苹果酸钙为饮食中钙摄入量较低的绝经后女性提供了骨量支持。一项研究表明,同时补充微量矿物质(包括锌和锰)和柠檬酸苹果酸钙有助于促进绝经后受试者的正常骨代谢。镁支持健康的骨矿化,维生素 D 可减少尿钙流失,同时增强钙的吸收。钙摄入量与足够的维生素 D、健康饮食和定期运动相结合,可降低患骨质疏松症的风险。
DimaCal® 是 Albion Laboratories, Inc. 的注册商标。苹果酸盐受美国专利 6,706,904 和正在申请的专利保护。
钙(苹果酸二钙 (DimaCal®)). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.3 毫克
维生素 D3(胆钙化醇). ... . . . . . . 283 微克
维生素 C(抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯).................... . 6.2 毫克
硅(竹茎/硅(竹叶/竹树渗出物)............. . 1.67 毫克
推荐使用:钙摄入量,结合足够的维生素 D、健康饮食和定期锻炼,可以降低患骨质疏松症的风险。有助于骨骼、牙齿和软骨的维护。推荐剂量:成人:每天 1-2 次随餐服用 3 粒胶囊,服用其他药物或天然保健品前或后几小时服用,或按照医疗保健从业人员的指示服用。3 个月后使用请咨询医疗保健从业人员。
Product Description
- Helps in absorption and use of calcium
- Offers a combination of DimaCal® di-calcium malate and calcium citrate malate
OsteoBalance provides a high calcium bone support formula with additional nutritional factors, such as vitamin D, that promote optimal calcium absorption and retention, while enhancing healthy bone mineralization. OsteoBalance provides 344 mg of calcium per day, combined with a comprehensive profile of important bone building nutrients, such as vitamins C and D, magnesium, manganese and zinc. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have reported statistically significant benefits of calcium supplementation for bone health. Calcium malate and calcium citrate malate are both highly bioavailable forms of calcium. In a two-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, calcium citrate malate provided bone mass support for postmenopausal women with low dietary calcium intake. One study demonstrated that concomitant supplementation of trace minerals, including zinc and manganese, with calcium citrate malate helped to promote proper bone metabolism in postmenopausal subjects. Magnesium supports healthy bone mineralization and vitamin D reduces urinary calcium loss, while enhancing calcium absorption. Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient vitamin D, a healthy diet and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
DimaCal® is a registered trademark of Albion Laboratories, Inc. Malates covered by U.S. Patent 6,706,904 and patents pending.
Medicinal Ingredients (per capsule):
Calcium (di-calcium malate (DimaCal®). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.3 mg
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) .............. . 3.57 mcg (143 IU/ UI)
Magnesium (di-magnesium malate) (Albion®) ..... . 21.3 mg
Zinc (zinc picolinate) .......................... . 4 mg
Copper (cupric bisglycinate) .................. . 333.3 mcg
Manganese (manganese citrate) ................ . 0.7 mg
Boron (boron glycinate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate) .................. . 6.2 mg
Silicon (Bambusa vulgaris - stem/ Silicium (tige de Bambusa vulgaris/ Bambusa arundinacea - exudate) ............. . 1.67 mg
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Vegetarian capsule (hypromellose, water).
Recommended Use:Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient Vitamin D, a healthy diet and regular exercise may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Helps in the maintenance of bones, teeth, and cartilage. Recommended Dose:Adults: Take 3 capsules 1-2 times daily with meals, a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Consult a healthcare practitioner for use beyond 3 months.
Warning: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you have been diagnosed with estrogen-dependant cancer or have a kidney disorder. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms worsen. Keep out of the reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.