- The most comprehensive, natural sleep formula available
- Helps one fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed
- Increase total sleep time for those with sleep restrictions ( shift work, jet-lag) to reset circadian rhythm
- Bronze winner of the 2013 Optimyz Best of the Best Awards

Ortho Sleep™ 是一种屡获殊荣的优质睡眠和放松配方。已知调节睡眠-觉醒周期的最重要的神经递质与传统上用于促进睡眠的最强效草药相结合,产生了一种无与伦比的天然睡眠疗法。 Ortho Sleep™ 含有精心配制的营养素和化合物混合物,这些混合物已被证明可有效对抗失眠、恢复适当的昼夜节律并促进健康、安宁的睡眠。这些包括放松神经递质 GABA 和褪黑激素,以及 5-HTP,这是一种血清素前体,可减少忧虑感,尤其是在试图入睡时。该配方还包括氨基酸 L-茶氨酸以及缬草根、西番莲提取物和柠檬香蜂草,它们都具有放松特性,可增加大脑中 GABA 的活性。
Ortho Sleep™ 非常适合那些入睡困难、难以保持睡眠或醒来后感觉休息不足的人。Ortho Sleep™ 可能有助于缓解时差、轮班工作或睡眠不足的情况。如果您使用配方中的单个成分没有成功,Ortho Sleep™ 可能会提供更强大的协同解决方案。
AOR 优势
Ortho Sleep™ 经过专门配制,是目前最全面的天然睡眠辅助剂。其功效旨在有效解决因焦虑、压力和/或轮班工作和/或时差等因素导致的人体生物钟紊乱而导致的短期睡眠障碍。由于其前所未有的功效,Ortho Sleep™ 必须按指示使用。
- 目前最全面、最自然的睡眠配方
- 帮助人们入睡、保持睡眠并在醒来时感到神清气爽
- 增加睡眠受限者(轮班工作、时差)的总睡眠时间,以重置昼夜节律
- 2013 年 Optimyz 最佳奖铜奖得主
如果怀孕、哺乳、试图怀孕或服用免疫抑制药物,请勿服用 Ortho Sleep™。18 岁以下或患有疾病的人不得使用。如果您患有硬皮病,请勿使用。
如果正在服用镇静剂、催眠药、精神药物、降压药、抗凝剂、抗惊厥药、类固醇、卡比多巴或具有血清素活性的药物/补充剂,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。这些可能包括但不限于 L-色氨酸、S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 (SAMe)、圣约翰草、抗抑郁药、止痛药、含有右美沙芬的咳嗽/感冒药、止吐药、降压药和抗偏头痛药。如果您出现虚弱、口腔溃疡或腹痛并伴有严重肌肉疼痛或皮肤变化的迹象,请停止使用并咨询医疗保健从业者。已知会出现轻微胃肠道症状(例如恶心、呕吐或痉挛)和超敏反应(例如过敏);在这种情况下,请停止使用。有些人可能会感到困倦。服用 Ortho Sleep™ 后五小时内请勿驾驶或使用机器。如果从事需要精神警觉的活动,请谨慎行事。如果您患有哮喘、心血管疾病、免疫系统疾病、激素紊乱、糖尿病或低血糖症、肝脏或慢性肾脏疾病、脑瘫、癫痫症、偏头痛、抑郁症和/或高血压,如果失眠持续超过三周,慢性失眠或症状持续或恶化,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。不建议与酒精、其他药物或具有镇静作用的保健品一起饮用。
100 毫克
200 毫克
100 毫克
3 毫克
缬草根(Valeriana officinalis)提取物
150 毫克
西番莲(Passiflora incarnate)花和草本提取物
32 毫克
柠檬香蜂草(Melissa officinalis)花和草本提取物
300 毫克
*NMI 可能会发生变化。请务必阅读并遵循标签以获取准确的成分和过敏原信息。
Product Description
Did you know that irregular sleep patterns are being called the new silent killer, being as detrimental to health as stress and poor diet? Studies show that those who chronically get less sleep than the “golden” seven to eight hours are at a higher risk for a number of diseases, are prone to weight gain, and are less able to deal with the effects of stress. People suffering from insomnia spend less time in deeper levels of sleep, wake up more often, and experience a reduction in REM sleep. In addition to stress, insomnia can be caused by a variety of other factors, including anxiety, poor diet, or a disruption of the body’s internal clock – such as jet lag, all-night study sessions, or changing work hours.
Ortho Sleep™ is an award-winning premium sleep and relaxation formula. The most important neurotransmitters known to regulate the sleep-wake cycle have been combined with the most powerful herbs traditionally used to promote sleep, yielding a natural sleep remedy like no other. Ortho Sleep™ contains a carefully formulated blend of nutrients and compounds that have been shown to be effective in combating insomnia, restoring a proper circadian rhythm and promoting healthy, restful sleep. These include relaxing neurotransmitters GABA and melatonin, as well as 5-HTP, a serotonin precursor to reduce feelings of worry, especially when trying to fall asleep. The formula further includes the amino acid L-theanine as well as valerian root, passionflower extract and lemon balm, all of which possess relaxing properties and work to increase the activity of GABA in the brain.
Ortho Sleep™ is perfect for those who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling rested upon waking. Ortho Sleep™ may help in cases of jet-lag, shift work, or sleep restriction. If you have used the individual ingredients found in the formula with no success, Ortho Sleep™ may offer a more powerful synergistic solution.
AOR Advantage
Ortho Sleep™ was specifically formulated to be the most comprehensively powerful natural sleep aid available. Its potency is designed to effectively address short-term sleep disorders due to anxiety, stress, and/or a disruption of the body’s internal clock due to such factors as shift work and/or jetlag. Due to its unprecedented potency, Ortho Sleep™ must only be used as directed.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.