- Provides nutrients that prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia
- Contains a highly absorbable form of iron
- Includes nutrients and vitamins that aid the body’s use of iron and help red blood cell formation
- Non-constipating formula that is easier on the stomach

Ortho Iron 含有 SunActive®,这是一种比其他铁产品更容易吸收和耐受的铁形式。Ortho Iron 还含有其他几种营养素,可支持铁的吸收并防止与铁补充剂相关的氧化作用。这些营养素包括维生素 C、B6、B12、叶酸、乳铁蛋白和铜;所有这些都对铁的吸收和利用至关重要。
Ortho Iron 是治疗贫血的完整配方,贫血不仅可能由缺铁引起,也可能由维生素 B12 或叶酸缺乏引起。缺铁会导致贫血,是世界上最常见的营养障碍,全球约 25% 的人口缺铁。然而,即使是不会导致贫血的缺铁状态也可能对人类健康产生不利影响,包括认知功能受损、整体虚弱和疲劳以及免疫系统减弱。
孕妇和月经期妇女经常面临缺铁的风险,青少年、耐力运动员以及任何处于生长和/或疲劳状态或经历过失血的人也面临缺铁的风险。Ortho Iron 是一种针对缺铁患者的高级铁补充剂,尤其适用于那些因服用传统铁丸而出现便秘或恶心等不适副作用的人。
AOR 优势
AOR 的 Ortho Iron 可改善缺铁性贫血的症状,如疲劳和虚弱,而不会出现铁补充剂常见的胃肠道副作用。SunActive® 含有焦磷酸铁,这是一种经过加工以减小颗粒大小以提高吸收率的铁,并与食品级乳化剂结合以防止聚集。这两个因素使其具有出色的生物利用度。
- 提供预防和治疗缺铁性贫血的营养素
- 含有高度可吸收的铁
- 包括有助于身体利用铁并帮助红细胞形成的营养素和维生素
- 不便秘的配方,对胃部更温和
铁(SunActive®Fe - 焦磷酸铁)
30 毫克
乳铁蛋白(提供 16.65 微克铁)
100 毫克
维生素 C(来自抗坏血酸)
200 毫克
维生素 B12(甲钴胺)
647 微克
叶酸(L-5-MTHF 钙)
800 微克
维生素 B6(5’-磷酸吡哆醛)
25 毫克
900 微克
SunActive®Fe 是 Taiyo International, Inc. 的注册商标。
*NMI 可能会发生变化。请务必阅读并遵循标签以获取准确的成分和过敏原信息。
Product Description
Ortho Iron contains SunActive®, a form of iron shown to be better absorbed and much easier to tolerate than other iron products. Ortho Iron also contains several other nutrients that support iron absorption and prevent the oxidative effects associated with iron supplementation. These include Vitamin C, B6, B12, folate, lactoferrin and copper; all of which are crucial for iron absorption and utilization.
Ortho Iron is a complete formula for the treatment of anemia, which can be caused not only by iron deficiency but also by deficiencies in vitamin B12 or folate. Iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia, is the most common nutritional disorder in the world with approximately 25% of the world’s population being iron-deficient. However, even iron-deficiency states that do not lead to anemia may have detrimental effects on human health, including compromised cognitive function, overall weakness and fatigue, and a weakening of the immune system.
Pregnant and menstruating women are often at risk of iron deficiency, as are adolescents, endurance athletes, and anyone undergoing a condition of growth and/or fatigue or who has experienced blood loss. Ortho Iron is an advanced iron supplement for those with an iron deficiency, and is especially helpful for those who have experienced uncomfortable side effects such as constipation or nausea from conventional iron pills.
AOR Advantage
AOR’s Ortho Iron improves symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia such as fatigue and weakness, without the gastrointestinal side effects commonly associated with iron supplements. SunActive® contains ferric pyrophosphate, a type of iron that has been processed to reduce particle size for higher absorption, and is bound to a food grade emulsifier to prevent clustering. These two factors give it excellent bioavailability.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.