- 由于发芽过程,消化率和营养吸收率提高。
- 与未发芽种子相比,维生素和矿物质含量更高。
- 与未发芽种子相比,抗氧化剂含量增加一倍。
- 富含纤维和镁。
- 每份为您提供 3 克欧米伽 3 脂肪酸。
- 用发芽和研磨的超级种子保护您的大脑和心脏。
- 添加到您的冰沙中以增加纤维和健康脂肪。
- 非常适合烘焙、生甜点、燕麦片等。
- 将 1 汤匙发芽亚麻与 3 汤匙水(每个鸡蛋)混合,制成素食鸡蛋替代品。
Product Description
Key Benefits
- Increased digestibility and nutrient absorption thanks to the sprouting process.
- Higher amounts of vitamins and minerals compared to unsprouted seeds.
- Double the amount of antioxidants compared to unsprouted seeds.
- Packed with fiber and magnesium.
- Provides you with 3g of omega-3 fatty acids per serving.
- Protect your brain and your heart with sprouted and milled superseed.
How to Use
Ingredients & Nutrition
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.