- 最好的有机卡姆果粉,也有卡姆果胶囊形式。
- 亚马逊土著居民珍视的传统超级水果。
- 卡姆果粉的一大优点是它是大自然中最丰富的全食物维生素 C 来源。
- 含有大量抗氧化剂,如花青素、黄酮醇和鞣花酸。
- 不添加任何填充剂、调味剂或甜味剂。
- 非常适合冰沙、冰沙碗、果汁和水。将 1-2 茶匙卡姆果粉和您选择的任何其他 Organic Traditions 产品与足够的水混合以达到所需的稠度,即可制作卡姆冰沙。
- 这种富含维生素 C 的超级水果可增强您的免疫力。
Product Description
Key Benefits
- The best organic Camu Camu berry powder, available also in the form of camu berry capsules.
- A traditional superfruit prized by the indigenous people of the Amazon.
- Among the great benefits of the powder of Camu berry is that it is nature's richest source of whole food vitamin C.
- A host of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonols and ellagic acid.
- No fillers, flavours or sweeteners are added.
How to Use
Ingredients & Nutrition
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.