只有 Designs for Health 鱼油产品带有 TruTG™ 标志,这意味着它们以自然界中发现的形式交付,并且具有卓越的 TG 效力。TruTG™ 标志保证至少 90% 的甘油三酯结合 (TG) 欧米伽 3 鱼油,这一水平比大多数 TG 鱼油浓缩产品的行业标准高出 40% - 50%。OmegAvail™ Hi-Po 经过分子蒸馏和过滤,以确保纯度并最大限度地去除金属、杀虫剂、多氯联苯和其他污染物。
Product Description
Only Designs for Health fish oil products carry the TruTG™ seal, which means they are delivered in the form found in nature and are of superior TG potency. The TruTG™ seal guarantees a minimum 90% triglyceride-bound (TG) omega-3 fish oils, a level that is 40% - 50% higher than the industry standard for most TG fish oil concentrate products. OmegAvail™ Hi-Po is molecularly distilled and filtered to ensure purity and to maximize the removal of metals, pesticides, PCBs, and other contaminants.
Note: Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Please check compatibility before purchasing.