神经平静™ 旨在促进GABA和5-羟色胺(血清素)的活性,有助于支持健康的情绪、控制渴望,并带来平静、满足和饱足感。神经平静™ 含有PharmaGABA™,这是一种通过发酵过程自然生成的GABA形式,被认为比化学合成的GABA更为有效。
- 旨在促进GABA和5-羟色胺的活性,有助于支持健康的情绪,以及带来平静、满足和饱足感。
- 有助于临时支持放松。
- 含有PharmaGABA™,这是一种通过发酵过程自然生成的GABA形式,被认为比化学合成的形式更有效。
- 还包括B族维生素、植物提取物、镁、L-茶氨酸等。
- 自1989年以来,Designs for Health 一直是值得信赖的专业品牌。
Product Description
NeuroCalm™ is designed to promote activity of GABA and serotonin, which may help support healthy mood, cravings, and feelings of calm, satiety, and satisfaction. NeuroCalm™ contains PharmaGABA™, a form of GABA naturally manufactured via a fermentation process, which is considered more effective than chemically produced synthetic forms.
- Designed to promote activity of GABA and serotonin, which may help support healthy mood and feelings of calm, satiety, and satisfaction.
- Helps to temporarily support relaxation.
- Contains PharmaGABA, a form of GABA naturally manufactured via a fermentation process, which is considered more effective than chemically produced synthetic forms.
- Also includes B vitamins, botanicals, magnesium, L-theanine and more.
- Designs for Health has been a practitioner trusted brand since 1989.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.