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NeilMed Pharmaceuticals

NasaMist Pediatric Saline Spray / 儿童 生理盐水 喷雾

NasaMist Pediatric Saline Spray / 儿童 生理盐水 喷雾

Regular price $10.79 CAD
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    NasaMist 儿童盐水喷雾是一种无菌天然舒缓盐水喷雾。在鼻腔中喷洒轻柔细雾是保持鼻腔湿润的绝佳方法。

    NasaMist 盐水喷雾有等渗、儿童和高渗浓度。鼻腔喷雾不应与大容量冲洗系统(如鼻窦冲洗鼻腔冲洗)混淆。



    在 6 个月以下的婴儿上使用前,请咨询您的医生。

    步骤 1:将执行器的尖端插入鼻孔,轻轻按压,直到喷出足够量的盐水,鼻腔湿润。

    步骤 2:对另一个鼻孔重复上述操作。对于婴儿和儿童,请勿将喷嘴插入凸缘之外。根据需要经常使用以保湿。




    系统专为单个用户设计,以降低污染风险。使用过程中请勿完全阻塞或封闭鼻腔通道,以避免对鼻子或耳朵造成任何压力。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。内容物受压,请勿刺破或焚烧。储存在 41 F 至 131 F 之间,远离阳光和热源。避免冻结。六个月以下儿童使用前请咨询医生。

      Product Description

        NasaMist Pediatric Saline Spray is a sterile natural soothing saline spray. Applying a gentle fine mist in the nose is an excellent way to keep the nasal passages moist.

        NasaMist Saline Spray comes in isotonic, pediatric and hypertonic concentration. Nasal sprays should not be mistaken for large volume irrigation systems like Sinus Rinse Nasal Wash.

        This drug-free, non-burning saline spray helps alleviate nasal allergies, dryness, post-nasal drip and congestion from the common cold or flu. Hypertonic delivers over twice the concentration of saline as Isotonic. Pediatric provides a specially designed box for babies and children


        Please contact your physician before using on babies under 6 months.

        Step 1: Insert tip of actuator into nostril and press gently until adequate volume has been sprayed and the nasal passages are moist.

        Step 2: Repeat for the other nostril. For babies and children, do not insert nozzle beyond the flange. Use as often as needed to moisturize.


        Sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate & Purified Water


        System designed for single user to reduce the risk of contamination. Do not completely block or occlude nasal passage during use to avoid any pressure in the nose or ears. Keep out of reach from children. Contents under pressure, please do not puncture or incinerate. Store between 41 F & 131 F, out of sunlight & away from heat sources. Avoid freezing Consult physician before use on children younger than six months.

        *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
        Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.