几个世纪以来,药用蘑菇一直被用作各种健康问题的有效天然疗法。目前的研究支持它们作为有效免疫调节剂的传统用途,新证据还发现特定蘑菇具有许多其他独特的健康应用。因此,Mushroom Matrix 包含 7 种药用蘑菇的混合物,所有蘑菇均经过有机认证且可持续种植:
Blazei(姬松茸):这种蘑菇已证明可以改善溃疡性结肠炎患者的症状、疲劳和生活质量。Blazei 还成功通过了缓解期患者的 1 期临床试验,以确保安全性。
云芝(Coriolus versicolor):关于云芝的绝大多数证据都围绕着其强大的免疫调节作用。例如,补充这种蘑菇可能会增加自然杀伤细胞数量和活性,增加 T 细胞和 B 细胞数量,并为慢性疲劳患者提供免疫激活。多年来,云芝一直被用于传统中医,用于支持呼吸系统疾病。在日本,火鸡尾用于增强免疫系统,并作为接受标准医疗治疗的患者的辅助疗法,以治疗与细胞生长异常相关的疾病。
猴头菇 (Hericium erinaceus):这种蘑菇最出名的是它对神经系统的亲和力。具体来说,猴头菇具有增加神经生长因子、损伤后神经再生和髓鞘生成的能力。人体临床试验表明,它可以减少焦虑、情绪障碍和认知衰退的指标。
舞茸 (Grifola frondosa):研究表明,舞茸能够诱导多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS) 患者的排卵。其降血糖能力可能解释了这种对 PCOS 女性有益作用的部分机制。其他试验表明,舞茸具有免疫调节作用,可增强中性粒细胞和单核细胞功能,促进肿瘤消退并改善癌症患者的症状。
灵芝 (Ganoderma lucidum):灵芝是一种有效的免疫调节剂,对癌症患者的健康、情绪和精力有益,对虚弱和疲劳患者的健康也有改善作用。补充灵芝还可以改善高脂血症患者的代谢指标,如胰岛素和脂质,并增加患有下尿路症状 (LUTS) 的男性的尿流量。
白桦茸 (Inonotus obliquus):白桦茸生长在寒冷气候下的桦树上,动物研究表明,白桦茸可以提高运动耐力,并具有免疫调节、抗炎、抗疲劳、抗肿瘤和止痛的功效。在患有炎症性肠病的人类中,白桦茸已被证明可以减少淋巴细胞的氧化应激。
香菇 (Lentinula edodes):与其他蘑菇提取物一样,香菇具有强大的免疫调节特性。然而,这种蘑菇最独特的方面是它具有保护心脏和抗动脉粥样硬化的作用。这些对心血管系统的益处部分归因于香菇抑制 LDL 胆固醇氧化和 HMG-CoA 还原酶活性的能力。
蘑菇基质还含有两种益生元纤维,可增强胃肠道屏障并支持免疫功能。Fibregum 是一种纯天然、无转基因的可溶性纤维来源,来源于阿拉伯胶树汁。对 Fibregum 的研究试验表明,它可以促进结肠中短链脂肪酸 (SCFA) 的产生,减少炎症并降低肠道通透性。VitaFibre IMO 是一种来自木薯的异麦芽寡糖益生元纤维。VitaFibre IMO 还具有天然甜味的额外好处,从而为蘑菇基质提供了令人愉悦的风味。有机西印度樱桃、巴西莓和枸杞提取物也因其天然甜味和强效抗氧化剂而包含在内。
总之,蘑菇基质提供具有广泛健康效果和支持多种身体系统的蘑菇混合物。蘑菇基质以粉末形式提供,可为您的患者提供简单且可调整的剂量方案,每 3.6 克勺提供 1000 毫克强效蘑菇和抗氧化剂混合物、2.4 克 FibreGum 和 200 毫克 VitaFibre IMO。
一种有机、无转基因、可持续种植的蘑菇粉混合物,可促进 Th1 和 Th2 免疫活动的健康平衡。
- 包括 7 种药用蘑菇的混合物,全部经过认证,为有机、无转基因且可持续种植
- 总而言之,这些蘑菇已被证明可以促进 Th1 和 Th2 免疫活动的健康平衡,同时每种蘑菇都对其他身体系统具有独特的益处。
- 添加了两种益生元纤维,FibreGum 和 VitaFibre IMO,可改善肠道屏障功能、健康的微生物平衡和免疫支持
- 包含有机西印度樱桃粉、巴西莓和枸杞提取物,具有天然甜味和抗氧化功能
- 每瓶 100 份
成分 数量
有机姬松茸(菌丝体,姬松茸) 132mg
有机火鸡尾(菌丝体,云芝) 132mg
有机猴头菇(菌丝体,猴头菇) 132mg
有机舞茸(菌丝体,灰树花) 132mg
有机灵芝(菌丝体,灵芝) 132mg
有机白桦茸(菌丝体,桦褐孔菌) 132mg
有机香菇(菌丝体,香菇) 132mg
有机巴西莓(果实,Euterpe oleracea) 4:1 提取物,相当于 160mg 干果 40mg
有机西印度樱桃 (果实,Malpighia glabra) 10:1 提取物,相当于 180mg 干果 18mg
有机枸杞 (果实,Lycium barbarum) 10:1 提取物,相当于 180mg 干果 18mg
有机 Fibregum™ (金合欢)、有机麦芽糊精、有机 VitaFiber™ 异麦芽寡糖 (木薯)。
成人(19 岁及以上) - 每天 1-2 次,将 1 勺本品混入 250 毫升水中。
如果您有以下情况,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人士:• 您怀孕了 • 您正在哺乳 • 您正在服用血液稀释剂(抗凝剂) • 您患有糖尿病。已知对巴西莓或棕榈科植物有超敏反应/过敏反应。在这种情况下,请停止使用。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。
Product Description
Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries as effective natural remedies for a wide variety of health concerns. Current research supports their traditional use as effective immunomodulators and new evidence has also found that specific mushrooms have many other unique health applications. For this reason, Mushroom Matrix contains a blend of 7 medicinal mushrooms, all certified organic and sustainably grown:
Blazei (Agaricus blazei): This mushroom has demonstrated improved symptoms, fatigue and quality of life in ulcerative colitis patients. Blazei has also successfully undergone phase 1 clinical trials for safety with patients in remission.
Turkey Tail (Coriolus versicolor): The vast majority of evidence for Turkey tail surrounds its powerful immunomodulatory actions. For example, supplementation with this mushroom may increase natural killer cell count and activity, increase T-cell and B-cell counts and provide immune activation in chronic fatigue sufferers. Turkey tail has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine for supporting respiratory conditions. In Japan, turkey tail is used to strengthen the immune system and act as an adjunct therapy for individuals experiencing standard medical treatments for conditions associated with abnormal cell growth.
Animal studies have shown that its potent anti-fatigue properties can also improve exercise performance.
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus): This mushroom is most well-known for its affinity of the nervous system. Specifically, Lion’s mane has a documented ability to increase nerve growth factor, nerve regeneration after injury and the production of myelin. Human clinical trials have shown that it may reduce markers of anxiety, mood disorders and cognitive decline.
Maitake (Grifola frondosa): Research has shown that Maitake is capable of inducing ovulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients. Its hypoglycemic abilities may explain part of the mechanism for this beneficial effect in women with PCOS. Other trials have shown that Maitake has immunomodulatory effects, enhancing neutrophils and monocyte function, encouraging tumour regression and improving symptoms in cancer patients.
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi is an effective immunomodulator, with beneficial effects on well-being, mood and energy in cancer patients and improved wellbeing in those with weakness and fatigue. Supplementation with Reishi also improves metabolic markers such as insulin and lipids in those with hyperlipidemia and increases urinary flow in males with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus): Chaga mushroom is found on birch trees in cold climates and has been shown to increase exercise endurance and to have immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, anti-tumour and pain-relieving properties in animal studies. In humans with inflammatory bowel disease, Chaga has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in lymphocytes.
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes): Like each of the other mushroom extracts, shitake has powerful immunomodulating properties. However, the most unique aspect of this mushroom is its demonstrated cardioprotective and anti-atherosclerotic effects. Part of these benefits for the cardiovascular system can be attributed to Shitake’s ability to inhibit LDL cholesterol oxidation and HMG-CoA reductase activity.
Mushroom Matrix also includes two prebiotic fibres to strengthen the gastrointestinal barrier and support immune function. Fibregum is an all-natural, GMO-free source of soluble fiber, sourced from acacia gum sap. Research trials on Fibregum have shown that it can encourage the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA’s) in the colon, decrease inflammation and reduce gut permeability. VitaFibre IMO is a prebiotic fibre of isomaltooligosaccharides sourced from tapioca. VitaFibre IMO has the added benefit of being naturally sweet, thereby providing Mushroom Matrix with a pleasant flavour. Organic acerola cherry, acai berry and goji berry extracts are also included for their natural sweet flavour and as potent antioxidant agents.
Taken together, Mushroom Matrix provides a blend of mushrooms with broad health effects and support for many body systems. Mushroom Matrix is offered as a powder for simple and adjustable dosing regimens with your patients, with each 3.6g scoop providing 1000mg of a potent mushroom and antioxidant blend, 2.4g of FibreGum and 200mg of VitaFibre IMO.
- Includes a blend of 7 medicinal mushrooms, all certified organic, GMO free and sustainably grown
- Taken together, these mushrooms have been shown to promote a healthy balance of Th1 and Th2 immune activity while each possessing unique benefits for other body systems.
- Two prebiotic fibres, FibreGum and VitaFibre IMO, are added for improved gut barrier function, healthy microflora balance, and immune support
- Organic acerola cherry powder, acai berry and goji berry extracts are included for their natural sweet flavour and antioxidant functions
- 100 servings per bottle
Unit of Measure above: Each scoop
Ingredient | Amount |
Organic Himematsutake (mycelia, Agaricus Blazei) | 132mg |
Organic Turkey Tail (mycelia, Trametes versicolor) | 132mg |
Organic Lion's Mane (mycelia, Hericium erinaceus) | 132mg |
Organic Maitake (mycelium, Grifola frondosa) | 132mg |
Organic Reishi (mycelia, Ganoderma lucidum) | 132mg |
Organic Chaga (mycelia, Inonotus obliquus) | 132mg |
Organic Shiitake (mycelia, Lentinula edodes) | 132mg |
Organic Acai (fruit, Euterpe oleracea) 4:1 extract equivalent to 160mg of dry fruit | 40mg |
Organic Acerola (fruit, Malpighia glabra) 10:1 extract equivalent to 180mg of dry fruit | 18mg |
Organic Goji (fruit, Lycium barbarum) 10:1 extract equivalent to 180mg of dry fruit | 18mg |
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Organic Fibregum™ (acacia), organic maltodextrin, organic VitaFiber™ isomalto-oligosaccharides (tapioca).
Directions & Cautions
Source of fungal polysaccharides with immunomodulating properties. Provides antioxidants that help protect against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Directions for Use:
Adults (19 years and older) - Mix 1 scoop in 250ml water, 1-2 times per day.
Consult a healthcare professional prior to use if • you are pregnant • you are breastfeeding • you are taking blood thinners (anti-coagulants) • you have diabetes. Hypersensitivity/allergy has been known to occur to acai or plants of the Arecaceae family. In such a case, discontinue use. Keep out of reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.