虽然脂肪和油在健康界名声不好,但健康的脂肪水平对生命至关重要,而脂肪酶是专门为分解脂肪而设计的,以确保我们能从所消耗的脂肪中获得每一点好处。这就是为什么 Lypo Gold 的脂肪酶含量比以往任何时候都多。脂肪酶分解脂肪的能力对需要胆囊支持或已切除胆囊的人尤其重要。
脂肪酶还有助于我们吸收重要的脂溶性维生素 A、E、D 和 K。这些维生素给我们带来许多好处,从促进皮肤健康到支持免疫系统和正常的大脑功能。
Lypo Gold 酶与其他酶有何不同?
并非所有酶补充剂都是一样的,而 Lypo Gold 拥有市场上最有效的配方。Enzymedica 专有的 Thera-blend™ 技术意味着 Lypo Gold 中的酶将在整个消化道的 pH 范围内发挥作用。当其他品牌的酶配方可能在几乎所有酸性或碱性环境中都无法发挥作用时,Lypo Gold 将是有效的。
- 每粒胶囊可分解高达 22 克的脂肪
- 对没有胆囊的人有帮助
- 含有全餐所需的酶
- 有助于缓解消化
- 适合生酮饮食
- 帮助身体吸收维生素 A、E、D 和 K
Lypo Gold 含有浓缩的脂肪酶,每粒胶囊可分解高达 22 克的脂肪。* Lypo Gold 由 Thera-blend™ 提供动力,可作用于整个肠道和我们喜爱的食物。不要让脂肪拖累您。
脂肪消化和胆囊支持:每餐服用 1 粒胶囊。
心血管和健康胆固醇支持:每天 3 次,空腹服用 1 粒胶囊,餐前 1 小时或餐后 2 小时服用。
Product Description
What are enzymes and how do they work?
Enzymes do digestion. They are naturally occurring proteins that speed up reactions. Enzymes act like tiny scissors, cutting up the food we’ve eaten into smaller components. This helps our body more easily and fully absorb nutrients.
Without enough enzymes, our body can struggle to break down troublesome foods, leading to occasional gas, bloating, indigestion and irregularity. With all-natural enzyme supplementation, your body gets an extra boost to the digestive process, helping maximize energy and contributing to whole-body health.*
How does lipase help us?
While fat and oils have a bad name in the health world, healthy fat levels are essential for life, and the enzyme lipase is perfectly designed to break fat down to make sure we can get every ounce of the good from the fat we consume.* That’s why Lypo Gold has more lipase than ever. Lipase’s ability to break down fat is especially important for those who need gallbladder support or have had their gallbladder removed.*
Lipase is also important for its ability to help us absorb the vital fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K.* These vitamins give us numerous benefits, from promoting skin health to supporting the immune system and proper brain function.*
What is different about Lypo Gold enzymes versus others?
Not all enzyme supplements are created equal, and Lypo Gold has the most potent formula on the market. Enzymedica's proprietary Thera-blend™ technology means that the enzymes found in Lypo Gold will work throughout the entire pH spectrum found along your digestive tract. When other brands’ enzyme formulas may fall short, in almost all acidic or alkaline environments, Lypo Gold will be effective.
- Breaks down up to 22g of fat per capsule*
- Helpful for those without gallbladders*
- Contains enzymes for the whole meal
- Supports digestive relief*
- Keto-diet friendly
- Helps body absorb vitamins A, E, D & K*
Finally, help for all the fatty foods we love is here.
With concentrated amounts of the enzyme lipase, Lypo Gold is able to break down up to 22g of fat per capsule.* Powered by Thera-blend™, Lypo Gold works across the whole gut and on the foods we love. Don’t let the fat weigh you down.
Suggested Use
For fat digestion and gallbladder support: Take 1 capsule with every meal.
For cardiovascular and healthy cholesterol support: Take 1 capsule 3x per day on an empty stomach, 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.
Consult with a physician prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.