Krill-plex 取自南极磷虾,这是一种浮游甲壳类动物,具有天然独特的 omega-3 脂肪酸、磷脂和抗氧化剂平衡,包括虾青素。磷虾油特有的 omega 磷脂复合物富含二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 和二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA)。这种新颖的结构通过独特的冷萃取工艺精心保存,由 EPA 和 DHA 组成,作为磷脂分子上的两个脂肪酸侧链。此外,虾青素酯附着在 EPA 上,形成一种错综复杂的结合分子,可将这些营养物质直接输送到细胞核中,最重要的是线粒体中。磷脂脂肪酸谱与人类大脑磷脂非常相似,使其能够轻松穿过血脑屏障。磷虾油为维持身体健康提供了理想的必需脂肪酸平衡。这种独特的、生物利用度极高的复合物特别有利于关节舒适和健康的炎症平衡。一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究表明,磷虾油可促进关节舒适并降低血液 C 反应蛋白水平(炎症的临床指标)。此外,结果显示,磷虾油对关节灵活性和功能具有统计学意义。
Krill-plex 中的磷虾油是 NKO®,是 Neptune Technologies & Bioresources, Inc. 的注册商标。
药用成分(每粒软胶囊):磷虾油(来自 Euphausia superba 的身体油). . 500 毫克提供:EPA(二十碳五烯酸)............. 74 毫克 DHA(二十二碳六烯酸). . . . . . . . . . . 33 毫克磷脂........................ 248 毫克虾青素 ........................ 198 微克非药用成分:胶囊(明胶、甘油、水、山梨醇、乙基香兰素)。
推荐使用:ω-3 脂肪酸的来源,有助于保持身体健康。有助于减轻与骨关节炎相关的疼痛。推荐剂量:成人:每天随餐服用 2 粒软胶囊,或按照医疗保健医生的指示服用。对于与骨关节炎相关的疼痛:每天随餐分次服用 6 粒软胶囊,或按照医疗保健医生的指示服用。
Product Description
Krill-plex is derived from Antarctic krill, a zooplankton crustacean offering a naturally unique balance of omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants, including astaxanthin. Specific to krill oil is an omegaphospholipid complex that is rich in eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Carefully preserved by a distinct cold extraction process, this novel structure consists of EPA and DHA as two fatty acid side chains on the phospholipid molecule. Additionally, an astaxanthin ester is attached to the EPA, providing an intricately bonded molecule that allows for direct delivery of these nutrients into the cell nucleus, and most importantly, the mitochondria. The phospholipid-fatty acid profile closely resembles that of human brain phospholipids, allowing it to easily transverse the blood-brain barrier. Krill oil provides an ideal essential fatty acid balance for the maintenance of good health. This unique, highly bioavailable complex provides particular support for joint comfort and healthy inflammatory balance. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study suggests that krill oil promotes joint comfort and reduces blood C-reactive protein levels, a clinical marker of inflammation. Furthermore, results showed statistically significant support for joint flexibility and function.
The krill oil in Krill-plex is NKO®, which is a registered trademark of Neptune Technologies & Bioresources, Inc.
Medicinal Ingredients (per softgel): Krill Oil (body oil from Euphausia superba) . . 500 mg Providing: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)............. 74 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 mg Phospholipids........................ 248 mg Astaxanthin ........................ 198 mcg Non-medicinal Ingredients: Capsule (gelatin, glyc-erin, water, sorbitol, ethyl vanillin).
Recommended Use: Source of omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. Helps to reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis. Recommended Dose:Adults: Take 2 softgels daily with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. For pain associated with osteoar-thritis: Take 6 softgels per day in divided doses with meals or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
Risk Information: Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Stop use if allergy occurs. Keep out of the reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.