allKidz 维生素 D3 滴剂 - 享受阳光维生素 D 从未如此简单!
- 维生素 D 对钙的正常吸收和强健骨骼和牙齿的形成至关重要
- 加拿大卫生部和加拿大儿科学会建议母乳喂养婴儿从出生开始每天补充维生素 D
- 加拿大卫生部建议母乳喂养婴儿每天摄入 400 IU
- D3 形式具有优越的吸收性和功效
- 400 IU 天然配方,采用有机特级初榨橄榄油
- 100 天供应量
- 附带滴管,可精确测量剂量;不再滴漏!
- 不含人工香料、色素或甜味剂
- 不含乳制品、鸡蛋、鱼、乳糖、芥末、花生、芝麻、贝类、大豆、糖、向日葵、亚硫酸盐、坚果、小麦、酵母或防腐剂
- 不含麸质
0-3 岁婴儿:每日服用 1 份(0.25 毫升),或遵医嘱服用。直接送入口中或与配方奶、果汁或其他食物混合。
药用成分(每 0.5 毫升):
维生素 D3(胆钙化醇)400 IU(10 微克)。
Product Description
allKidz Vitamin D3 Drops - Enjoying the Sunshine Vitamin D has never been this easy!
- Vitamin D is essential for the normal absorption of calcium and building of strong, health bones and teeth
- Health Canada & the Canadian Paediatric Society recommend a daily vitamin D supplement for breastfed infants starting from birth
- Health Canada recommends a daily intake of 400 IU for breastfed infants
- The D3 form has superior absorbability and efficacy
- 400 IU naturally formulated in organic extra virgin olive oil
- 100 days’ supply
- Dropper included for precise dosage measurement; no more messy dripping!
- No artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners
- No dairy, eggs, fish, lactose, mustard, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, sugar, sunflower, sulphites, tree nuts, wheat, yeast or preservatives
- Gluten Free
Babies 0-3 years: Take 1 serving (0.25 mL) daily, or as directed by a physician. Dispense directly into the mouth or mix with formula, juice or other foods.
Medicinal Ingredients (per 0.5 mL):
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 400 IU (10mcg).
Non-medicinal Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.