0 至 6 岁儿童:每 4 小时 1/2 茶匙。7 至 9 岁儿童:每 4 小时 1 茶匙。症状改善后减少摄入量或按照医疗保健医生的指示服用。饭后服用。
如果密封破损,请勿使用。如果发高烧或症状恶化或持续超过 5 天,请咨询医疗保健医生。请勿超过推荐剂量。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。室温保存。
圆叶茅膏菜 1CH (茅膏菜) - 干咳
山金车 3CH (豹毒) - 肌肉疼痛和充血
白根草 3CH (白根草) - 咳嗽发作,流感样症状
吐根 3CH (吐根) - 干咳
冰岛草 1CH (冰岛苔藓) - 干咳
颠茄 3CH (颠茄) - 流感样症状,发烧,身体疼痛
仙人掌 3CH (胭脂虫) - 咳嗽伴有痰
红珊瑚 3CH (红珊瑚) - 疼痛性咳嗽
金属锡 3CH (锡) - 粘液,咳嗽,发烧
Product Description
Homeopathic Medicine for cough and cold, flu-like symptoms, congestion, mucus build up, aches and pains, fever.
Suggested Use:
Children from 0 to 6 years of age: 1/2 teaspoon, every 4 hours. Children 7 to 9 years of age: 1 teaspoon, every 4 hours. Reduce intake with improvement or as directed by a health care practitioner. To be taken away from meals.
Do not use if seal is broken. Consult a healthcare practitioner in cases of high fever or if symptoms worsen or persist beyond 5 days. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Keep at room temperature.
Medicinal Ingredient:
Drosera rotundifolia 1CH (Sundew) - dry cough
Arnica montana 3CH (Leopard's Bane) - muscle pain and congestion
Bryonia alba 3CH (White Bryony) - coughing fits, flu-like symptoms
Ipecacuanha 3CH (Ipecac) - dry cough
Cetraria islandica 1CH (Iceland Moss) - dry cough
Belladonna 3CH (Deadly Nightshade) - flu-like symptoms, fever, body aches
Coccus cacti 3CH (Cochineal) - cough with expectoration
Corallium rubrum 3CH (Red Coral) - painful cough
Stannum metallicum 3CH (Tin) - mucus, cough, fever
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Purified water, sorbitol, caramel, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, citric acid.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.