随着年龄的增长,骨关节炎 (OA) 是最常见的关节疼痛形式。随着关节软骨逐渐侵蚀并引发炎症,OA 患者会感到疼痛、活动范围减少和僵硬感增加,这会严重影响他们的生活质量。
有许多天然药物可用于改善 OA 患者的治疗效果,但很少有药物比葡萄糖胺、透明质酸和甲基磺酰甲烷 (MSM) 拥有更多的研究和多年的临床支持。这些药物是软骨和滑液的成分,有助于为关节提供减震并减少运动摩擦。例如,葡萄糖胺是由软骨细胞自然产生的,是制造软骨核心成分糖胺聚糖所必需的。透明质酸是滑液的主要成分。特别是硫酸葡萄糖胺,已被证明可以刺激软骨代谢的合成代谢过程,比盐酸葡萄糖胺更有效地改善临床效果。
临床研究表明,水解胶原蛋白有助于关节健康。研究表明,胶原蛋白肽是制造关节软骨所需的基本成分,它们可以上调软骨细胞活性、增加透明质酸生成并改善微循环。临床试验发现,胶原蛋白肽可以改善健康运动员因活动引起的膝盖疼痛,以及中年人在休息和活动期间膝盖和臀部疼痛。维生素 C 可以增强这些益处,因为它是胶原蛋白生成过程中的必需辅助因子。
天然抗炎草药,如姜黄、乳香、生姜、印度栲木和印度醉茄,也在骨关节炎的治疗中发挥作用。多项人体临床试验证实,这些草药具有止痛功效,对骨关节炎患者有益。姜黄含有称为姜黄素的活性成分,这些成分已被证明可以在慢性炎症条件下抑制 NF-κB 和 TNF-alpha。研究试验表明,姜黄素可以减少骨关节炎患者对止痛药(如对乙酰氨基酚和非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID))的需求。它们还可以减轻运动后的肌肉酸痛。除了对 NF-Kappa B 和 TNF-alpha 具有抗炎作用外,姜黄素还被发现可以抑制基质金属蛋白酶-3,这是一种已知会降解软骨的酶。这意味着它既可以改善症状,又可以保护关节免受进一步损伤。关节基质液专门使用一种获得专利的姜黄素混合物,该混合物标准化为姜黄素、BDMC 和 DMC 的含量至少为 95%。这种获得专利的姜黄素混合物被称为 uC3 Clear Complex,有超过 80 篇研究论文和超过 45 项临床研究来支持其功效和安全性。
乳香对骨关节炎的临床益处源于其乳香酸含量及其抑制基质金属蛋白酶-3和5-脂氧合酶(5-LOX)的能力。标准化乳香提取物可以减轻疼痛、减少肿胀和增加活动范围。一项试验发现,乳香在缓解骨关节炎症状方面与 NSAID 药物伐地昔布一样有效。
Cyto·Matrix 的关节·基质液含有 11 种循证营养素和草药的混合物,可减轻骨关节炎患者的症状,保护关节免受进一步损伤,并减少对抗炎药物的需求。
以液体形式提供的 11 种有证据支持的营养素的综合混合物,可支持关节健康。
- 提供最全面的经过充分研究的营养混合物之一,可减轻骨关节炎症状,保护关节免受进一步损伤,并减少对处方或非处方止痛药的需求
- 含有硫酸葡萄糖胺、透明质酸、甲基磺酰甲烷 (MSM) 和水解胶原蛋白的混合物,可共同改善关节软骨和关节滑液的产生
- 乳香、姜、Harpagophytum procumbens 和印度醉茄均以高效提取物的形式提供,可产生治疗量的活性成分并提供强大的抗炎作用
- 姜黄素以高度标准化和经过充分研究的 uC3 Clear Complex 形式提供,提供至少 95% 的姜黄素含量
- 添加维生素 C 以支持胶原蛋白的健康产生,锌以完整的甘氨酸螯合物形式提供(获得专利的 TRAACS 递送),以实现最佳吸收
- 液体递送和天然青苹果风味提高患者依从性
以上计量单位:每 15 毫升汤匙
成分 数量
水解胶原蛋白(牛) 1800 毫克
硫酸葡萄糖胺 1500 毫克
甲基磺酰甲烷 (MSM) 750 毫克
生姜提取物(根茎,姜) 8:1 100 毫克
南非醉茄提取物(全株) 5:1 200 毫克
魔鬼爪提取物(块根,Harpagophytum procumbens) 4:1 500 毫克
uC3 Clear™(姜黄素,姜黄) 50 毫克
乳香提取物(树脂,乳香) 10:1 100 毫克
透明质酸(透明质酸钠) 50 毫克
锌(Albion™ 锌双甘氨酸螯合物) 15 毫克
维生素 C(抗坏血酸)30 毫克
使用说明:成人 - 每天服用 1 汤匙(15 毫升)或按照医疗保健专业人员的指示服用。使用前摇匀。开封后冷藏。
使用期限:至少使用 1 个月才能看到有益效果。
Product Description
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint pain as we age. With a progressive erosion of joint cartilage and resultant inflammation, OA sufferers experience pain, less range of motion and increased stiffness, which can severely impact their quality of life.
There are many natural agents that can be used to improve outcomes with OA patients, but few have more research and years of clinical support than glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). These agents are components of cartilage and synovial fluid, helping to provide shock absorption to the joint and decrease friction with movement. For example, glucosamine is produced naturally by chondrocytes and is necessary to make glycosaminoglycans, a core component of cartilage. Hyaluronic acid is a central component of synovial fluid. Glucosamine sulfate, in particular, has been shown to stimulate the anabolic process of cartilage metabolism and improve clinical outcomes more efficiently than glucosamine HCl.
Hydrolyzed collagen is clinically researched to support joint health. Studies show that collagen peptides provide the building blocks needed to make joint cartilage and they upregulate chondrocyte activity, increase hyaluronic acid production, and improve microcirculation. Clinical trials have found that collagen peptides can improve activity-related knee pain in healthy athletes and also knee and hip pain during rest and activity in middle-aged individuals. Vitamin C may augment these benefits as it is a necessary cofactor in the collagen production process.
Natural anti-inflammatory herbs such as Curcuma longa, Boswellia serrata, Zingiber officinale, Harpagophytum procumbens, and Withania somnifera also play a role in the management of OA. Multiple human clinical trials have confirmed that these herbs have pain-reducing properties and that they can benefit individuals with OA Curcuma longa contains active ingredients known as curcuminoids, which have been shown to inhibit NF-Kappa B and TNF-alpha under chronic inflammatory conditions. Research trials have shown that curcuminoids can decrease the need for pain-killing medications such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in OA sufferers. They can also decrease post-exercise muscle soreness. In addition to its anti-inflammatory action on NF-Kappa B and TNF-alpha, curcuminoids have been found to inhibit matrix metalloproteinase-3, an enzyme known to degrade cartilage. This means that it is both improving symptoms and protecting the joints from further damage. Joint Matrix Liquid specifically uses a patented blend of curcuminoids that is standardized to minimum 95% curcuminoid content of curcumin, BDMC, and DMC. This patented curcuminoid blend, known as uC3 Clear Complex, has more than 80 research papers and more than 45 clinical studies to support its efficacy and safety.
Boswellia’s clinical benefits for OA stem from its boswellic acid content and its ability to inhibit matrix metalloproteinase-3 and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). Standardized boswellia extracts can decrease pain, reduce swelling, and increase range of motion. One trial found that boswellia was as effective as the NSAID medication valdecoxib for the relief of OA symptoms.
Cyto·Matrix’s Joint·Matrix Liquid contains a blend of 11 evidence-based nutrients and herbs to decrease symptoms in OA sufferers, protect the joint from further damage, and decrease the need for anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical medications.
Joint·Matrix Liquid manages to provide evidence-based doses and standardized extracts all in just a dose of one tablespoon per day, allowing for superior clinical outcomes and high compliance in your patients. Simply put, it is rare to find such a comprehensive blend of well-researched nutrients for joint health in a single natural health product.
- Provides one of the most comprehensive blends of well-researched nutrients to decrease symptoms of osteoarthritis, protect joints from further damage, and reduce the need for prescription or over-the-counter pain medications
- Contains a blend of glucosamine sulfate, hyaluronic acid, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and hydrolyzed collagen to collectively improve articular cartilage and synovial fluid production in the joints
- Boswellia serrata, Zingiber officinale, Harpagophytum procumbens, and Withania somnifera are all delivered as highly potent extracts to yield therapeutic amounts of active ingredients and offer powerful anti-inflammatory actions
- Curcumin is provided as the highly standardized and well-researched uC3 Clear Complex, providing minimum 95% curcuminoid content
- Added vitamin C to support the healthy production of collagen and zinc is provided in the full glycinate chelate form (patented TRAACS delivery) for optimal absorption
- Liquid delivery and natural green apple flavour allow for greater patient compliance
Unit of Measure above: Each 15ml tablespoon
Ingredient | Amount |
Hydrolyzed collagen (bovine) | 1800mg |
Glucosamine sulfate | 1500mg |
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) | 750mg |
Ginger extract (rhizome, Zingiber officinale) 8:1 | 100mg |
Ashwagandha extract (whole plant) 5:1 | 200mg |
Devil's claw extract (root tuber, Harpagophytum procumbens) 4:1 | 500mg |
uC3 Clear™ (curcumin, Curcuma longa) | 50mg |
Boswellia extract (resin, Boswellia serrata) 10:1 | 100mg |
Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate) | 50mg |
Zinc (Albion™ Zinc Bis-glycinate Chelate) | 15mg |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | 30mg |
Directions & Cautions
Indications: A factor in maintaining healthy cartilage and/or joint health. Helps to reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
Directions for Use: Adults - Take 1 tablespoon (15ml) per day or as directed by a healthcare professional. Shake before use. Refrigerate after opening.
Duration of use: Use for a minimum of 1 month to see beneficial effects.
Cautions: Do not use if safety seal is broken. Consult a healthcare professional on the use of this product, especially if symptoms persist or worsen; and prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications including antiplatelet medication or blood thinners, or have a medical condition including gallstones, bile duct obstruction, allergies to shellfish, stomach ulcers, or excess stomach acid. Consumption with alcohol, other drugs or natural health products with sedative properties is not recommended.
Known Adverse Reactions: Hypersensitivity (e.g. allergy) has been known to occur and some people may experience mild gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting; in which case, discontinue use.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.