- 提供即时的舒适感和持久的干眼缓解。
- 不含防腐剂,通常耐受性很好。
- 不含磷酸盐,避免角膜沉积等并发症。
- 适合术后治疗。
分配约 300 滴等量滴剂。每瓶开封后可使用 6 个月。适合长期治疗。应根据您的个人感觉和/或医生、眼科医生、验光师、配镜师或隐形眼镜专家的指示使用 HYLO GEL。通常,您每天三次将一滴 HYLO GEL 滴入每只眼睛。如有必要,可以更频繁地使用。
2 mg/ml 透明质酸钠、柠檬酸缓冲液、山梨醇、水。
仅在折叠纸盒密封完好的情况下使用 HYLO GEL。如果您使用任何其他眼药水或眼药膏,请在使用之间至少等待 30 分钟。如果您使用其他眼药水,请在使用 HYLO GEL 之前使用。如果您使用其他眼药膏,请在使用 HYLO GEL 之后使用。如果您对任何成分过敏,则不应使用 HYLO GEL。在极少数情况下,曾报告过烧灼或过度流泪等过敏反应,这些反应在停止使用 HYLO GEL 后立即停止。
Product Description
Offers strong and long lasting dry eye relief without impairment of vision.
- Offers immediate comfort and long lasting dry eye relief.
- Preservative free and usually very well tolerated.
- Phosphate free, avoiding complications like deposits in the cornea.
- Suitable for post-surgery treatment.
Dispenses approximately 300 equally-sized drops. Each bottle can be used for 6 months after opening. Suitable for long-term treatment. HYLO GEL should be used according to your personal feeling and/or the instructions given by your doctor, ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician or contact lens specialist. Normally, you insitill one drop of HYLO GEL three times a day into each eye. If necessary, it can be used more frequently.
2 mg/ml sodium hyaluronate, citrate buffer, sorbitol, water.
Only use HYLO GEL if the seal of the folding carton is intact. If you use any other eye drop medication or eye ointment, please allow at least 30 minutes between applications. If you use other eye drop medications, apply them before applying HYLO GEL. If you use other eye ointments, administer those after applying HYLO GEL. HYLO GEL should not be used if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients. In very rare cases hypersensitive reactions like burning or excessive tearing have been reported which stopped immediately when the use of HYLO GEL was discontinued.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.