多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS) 是一种复杂的疾病,在育龄期影响多达 10% 的女性。其特征是各种体征和症状,例如卵巢囊肿、月经周期和出血模式不规律、胰岛素抵抗、生育困难和雄激素过量。这些高水平的雄激素与上述许多激素变化相结合,可导致多毛症、痤疮、油性皮肤、男性秃顶和体重增加。因此,患有 PCOS 的女性生活质量较低。
幸运的是,可以通过药物、天然保健产品、营养干预和生活习惯来缓解 PCOS 及其症状。具体而言,已发现多种治疗性草药提取物可解决雄激素过量症状:
光果甘草:俗称甘草根,是降低女性睾酮水平的最佳自然疗法之一。多项动物研究表明,甘草根能够防止 LH/FSH 比率升高,LH/FSH 比率是 PCOS 的已知生物标志物。这些研究还表明,甘草根可以减少卵巢囊肿、提高受精率并改善 PCOS 诱发的雌性大鼠的胚胎发育。一项针对健康女性的人体研究表明,甘草根可以显著降低睾酮水平。此外,一项人体临床试验发现,它可以降低螺内酯的不良利尿作用,螺内酯是一种用于治疗 PCOS 相关雄激素过多症的药物。
芍药:白芍的活性成分芍药苷通过促进芳香酶活性并将睾酮转化为雌激素来抑制睾酮的产生。芍药苷还被证明可以使地塞米松治疗细胞中的孕酮产生正常化。有趣的是,白芍药经常与甘草一起用于研究传统中药配方“芍药甘草汤”。这种混合物已被证明可以降低 PCOS 患者的睾酮水平。另一种名为“运庆汤”的中药配方,由 12 种不同的草药提取物组成,包括甘草和白芍药,也被证明可以降低 PCOS 女性的 LH 水平并帮助其恢复正常。总的来说,白芍药在治疗雄激素占主导地位的疾病方面显示出巨大的潜力。
肉桂:这种烹饪草药也是上述“运庆汤”中药配方的成分。虽然肉桂可能有助于“运庆汤”的成功,但它本身就值得关注 PCOS 管理。例如,动物研究发现肉桂可有效降低 PCOS 诱发状态下的睾酮水平。此外,一项针对 84 名患有多囊卵巢综合征的女性的双盲安慰剂对照研究发现,每天补充 1.5 克肉桂,持续 12 周,可改善抗氧化状态和血脂状况。另一项针对 45 名患有多囊卵巢综合征的女性的随机研究,持续 6 个月,结果显示补充肉桂可改善月经周期。
灵芝:灵芝虽然主要用于免疫调节,但也因其显著降低 5-α 还原酶水平的能力,在抗雄激素领域发挥着作用。通过阻断这种酶,灵芝能够阻止睾酮转化为更有效的双氢睾酮 (DHT)。事实上,一项研究将灵芝与其他 18 种药用蘑菇进行了比较,发现它是该组中最有效的 5-α 还原酶抑制剂。
留兰香:留兰香通常被称为留兰香,研究表明它可以降低游离睾酮,同时增加 LH、FSH 和雌二醇。这些激素改善被认为是导致患者报告的多毛症测量值下降的原因。一项针对 21 名被诊断为 PCOS 或特发性多毛症的女性的单独研究发现,在月经周期的卵泡期,每天喝两杯薄荷茶,连续 5 天,可以降低游离睾酮水平。一项针对 41 名女性的后续研究显示,在饮用留兰香茶 30 天后,患者报告的多毛症测量值下降,以及游离睾酮和总睾酮下降,结果令人鼓舞。
荨麻:荨麻以其抗炎、抗组胺和镇痛作用而闻名,因此常用于治疗过敏症。然而,它还显示出对男性(用于良性前列腺增生)和女性均具有降低睾酮的作用。对于有高雄激素血症记录的女性,每天服用 300-600 毫克已被证明可以降低总睾酮和游离睾酮水平,同时在 4 个月后改善痤疮、油性皮肤和月经周期规律性。
总之,荷尔蒙平衡 TL 将所有这些治疗性草药提取物结合成一种有效的降低睾酮产品,适用于出现高雄激素血症症状的女性或任何睾酮水平过高的人。添加了圣洁莓,以支持其孕激素作用,并能够控制经前综合症 (PMS) 症状,减轻周期性乳房疼痛并降低高催乳素血症。荷尔蒙平衡 TL 装在一瓶 120 粒植物胶囊中。
- 荷尔蒙平衡 TL 是一种基于证据的草药配方,旨在帮助降低任何人群的雄激素过多症和睾酮水平过高,尤其是患有多囊卵巢综合征的人
- 甘草根已被证明可以降低健康女性的睾酮水平,同时在动物研究中改善多囊卵巢综合征标志物
- 白牡丹通过促进芳香酶活性来抑制睾酮的产生;它还与甘草根一起研究,以降低多囊卵巢综合征女性的睾酮水平
- 肉桂已被证实能改善患有多囊卵巢综合征的女性的月经规律性、抗氧化状态和血脂水平
- 灵芝能够通过抑制 5-α 还原酶来阻止睾酮转化为双氢睾酮
- 留兰香已被证实能改善女性自报的多毛症,可能是由于游离睾酮水平降低所致
- 对于患有高雄激素血症的女性,荨麻可能降低睾酮水平,改善痤疮和月经周期不规律
成分 数量
甘草(根,Glycyrrhiza glabra)标准化为 20% 甘草甜素 250mg
白牡丹(根,Paeonia lactiflora)标准化为 10% 芍药苷 175mg
荨麻(根,Urtica dioica) 75mg
留兰香(叶,Mentha spicata) 4:1 提取物相当于 200mg 干叶 50mg
肉桂(枝和嫩枝树皮,Cinnamomum verum) 10:1 提取物相当于 375mg 干树皮 37.5mg
灵芝(子实体,Ganoderma lucidum) 10:1 提取物相当于375mg 干果,标准化为 30% 多糖 37.5mg
圣洁莓(果实,圣洁莓)12:1 提取物,相当于 120mg 干果 10mg
成人(18 岁及以上)- 每天服用 2 次,每次 2 粒。与食物一起服用以避免消化不良。如果超过 4-6 周,请咨询医疗保健专业人员。
如果出现以下情况,请勿使用本产品:• 您怀孕了 • 您正在哺乳 • 您正在尝试怀孕,除非您已咨询过医疗保健专业人员 • 您在月经期间出血过多 • 您患有低钾血症 • 您患有高血压 • 您患有肾脏疾病 • 您患有心血管疾病。如果您正在服用 • 噻嗪类利尿剂 • 强心苷 • 皮质类固醇 • 刺激性泻药 • 其他可能加剧电解质失衡的药物,请勿使用本产品。如果出现以下情况,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员:• 您患有糖尿病 • 您患有肝脏疾病 • 您患有缺乏症 • 您患有感冒。如果您正在服用含激素的药物,如 • 黄体酮制剂 • 口服避孕药 • 激素替代疗法,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。如果出现 • 超敏反应/过敏,请停止使用。如果症状持续或恶化,请咨询医疗保健从业人员。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。
Product Description
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition that affects up to 10% of women during their reproductive years. It is characterized by a variety of signs and symptoms such as ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles and bleeding patterns, insulin resistance, fertility challenges and excess androgens. These high levels of androgens, in combination with many of the aforementioned hormonal changes, can lead to hirsutism, acne, oily skin, male pattern baldness and weight gain. Women with PCOS experience a lower quality of life as a result.
Fortunately, there are medications, natural health products, nutritional interventions and lifestyle habits that can be implemented to support PCOS and its symptoms. Specifically, a number of therapeutic herbal extracts have been identified to address symptoms of excess androgens:
Glycyrrhiza glabra: More commonly known as licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra is one of the best studied natural therapies for lowering testosterone levels in women. Multiple animal studies have demonstrated that licorice root is able to prevent a rise in the LH/FSH ratio, a known biomarker for PCOS. These studies have also shown that licorice root can decrease ovarian cysts, increase fertilization rates and improve embryo development in PCOS-induced female rats. One human study in healthy women showed that licorice root can significantly reduce testosterone levels. Additionally, a human clinical trial found it to reduce the unwanted diuretic effect of spironolactone, a medication used in the treatment of PCOS related hyperandrogenism.
Paeonia lactiflora: White peony’s active ingredient, paeoniflorin, inhibits the production of testosterone by promoting aromatase activity and converting testosterone into estrogen. Paeoniflorin has also been shown to normalize production of progesterone in dexamethasone treated cells. Interestingly, white peony is often studied alongside licorice root in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula known as ‘Shao-Yao-Gan-Cao-Tang’. This blend has been shown to reduce testosterone levels in PCOS patients. A separate TCM formula called ‘Unkei-to’, a complex of 12 different herbal extracts that includes both licorice root and white peony, has also been demonstrated to lower and help normalize LH levels in women with PCOS. Collectively, white peony shows strong promise in treating androgen dominant conditions.
Cinnamomum verum: This culinary herb is also a component of the aforementioned ‘Unkei-to’ TCM formula. While cinnamon may be contributing to the success of Ukei-to, it deserves attention in and of its own right for PCOS management. For example, animal research has found that cinnamon is effective for reducing testosterone levels in PCOS-induced states. Moreover, one double-blind, placebo controlled study of 84 women with PCOS found that 1.5 grams of daily cinnamon supplementation for 12 weeks improved antioxidant status and lipid profiles. Another randomized study of 45 women with PCOS over 6 months showed cinnamon supplementation to improve menstrual cyclicity.
Ganoderma lucidum: Reishi mushroom, although used largely for its immunomodulating capabilities, has also found a role within the anti-androgen space through its ability to significantly reduce levels of 5-alpha reductase. By blocking this enzyme, reishi is able to prevent the conversion of testosterone into the more potent dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In fact, one study compared reishi to 18 other medicinal mushrooms and found it was the most potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor of the group.
Mentha spicata: Commonly known as spearmint, Mentha spicata has been shown to decrease free testosterone while increasing LH, FSH and estradiol. These hormonal improvements were thought to be responsible for generating the reductions seen in patient-reported measures of hirsutism. A separate study of 21 females with either diagnosed PCOS or idiopathic hirsutism found that two cups of mint tea daily for 5 days in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle led to reduced free testosterone levels. A follow-up study with 41 females showed promising outcomes through reductions in patient reported measures of hirsutism, in addition to reductions in free and total testosterone, after 30 days of spearmint tea ingestion.
Urtica dioica: Stinging nettle is best known for its anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and analgesic actions, hence its common use in allergy complexes. However, it has also demonstrated testosterone lowering actions in both men (used in benign prostatic hyperplasia) and women. In women with documented hyperandrogenism, 300-600 mg/day has been shown to reduce total and free testosterone levels while improving acne, oily skin and menstrual cycle regularity after 4 months time.
Collectively, Hormone Balance TL combines all of these therapeutic herbal extracts into one effective testosterone lowering product for women experiencing symptoms of hyperandrogenism or any individual with excess testosterone levels. Vitex agnus-castus is added for its progesterogenic support and its ability to manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, reduce cyclical breast pain and reduce hyperprolactinemia. Hormone Balance TL is available in a 120-vegetable capsule count bottle.
- Hormone Balance TL is an evidence-based, herbal formulation designed to help reduce hyperandrogenism and excess testosterone levels in any population, especially those with PCOS
- Licorice root has been demonstrated to lower testosterone levels in healthy women while also improving PCOS markers in animal studies
- White peony inhibits the production of testosterone by promoting aromatase activity; it has also been studied alongside licorice root to reduce testosterone levels in women with PCOS
- Cinnamon has been demonstrated to improve cycle regularity, antioxidant status and lipid profiles in women with PCOS
- Reishi mushroom is capable of blocking the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone through the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase
- Spearmint has been found to improve self-reported measures of hirsutism in women, possibly as a result of reduced free testosterone levels
- In women with documents hyperandrogenism, stinging nettle may reduce testosterone levels, improve acne and menstrual cycle irregularity
Unit of Measure above:
Each vegetable capsule
Ingredient | Amount |
Licorice (root, Glycyrrhiza glabra) standardized to 20% glycyrrhizin | 250mg |
White Peony (root, Paeonia lactiflora) standardized to 10% paeoniflorin | 175mg |
Stinging Nettle (root, Urtica dioica) | 75mg |
Spearmint (leaf, Mentha spicata) 4:1 extract equivalent to 200mg of dry leaf | 50mg |
Cinnamon (branch and shoot bark, Cinnamomum verum) 10:1 extract equivalent to 375mg of dry bark | 37.5mg |
Reishi (fruiting body, Ganoderma lucidum) 10:1 extract equivalent to 375mg of dry fruit, standardized to 30% polysaccharides | 37.5mg |
Vitex (fruit, Vitex agnus-castus) 12:1 extract equivalent to 120mg of dry fruit | 10mg |
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Brown rice flour, hypromellose, magnesium stearate
Directions & Cautions
Used in Herbal Medicine as a liver tonic. Used in Herbal Medicine as an adaptogen to increase energy and resistance to stress (in case of mental and physical fatigue related to stress). Used in Herbal Medicine to support the immune system. Ganoderma lucidum is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM to nourish the heart and strengthen qi and blood to treat heart and spleen deficiencies that manifest in insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, listlessness and poor appetite.
Directions for Use:
Adults (18 years and older) - Take 2 capsules, 2 times per day. Take with food to avoid digestive upset. Consult a healthcare professional for use beyond 4-6 weeks.
Do not use this product if • you are pregnant • you are breastfeeding • you are attempting to conceive unless you have consulted with a health care professional • you have excessive bleeding during menstruation • you have hypokalemia • you have high blood pressure • you have a kidney disorder • you have a cardiovascular disorder. Do not use this product if you are taking • thiazide diuretics • cardiac glycosides • corticosteroids • stimulant laxatives • other medications which may aggravate electrolyte imbalance. Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if • you have diabetes • you have a liver disorder • you are experiencing deficiency • you are experiencing cold. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use if you are taking hormone-containing medications such as • progesterone preparations • oral contraceptives • hormone replacement therapy. Stop use if • hypersensitivity/allergy occurs. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Keep out of reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.