Genestra HMF Immune 将专有益生菌与维生素 C 和 D 相结合,为免疫系统提供有针对性的支持。每片方便的每日咀嚼片提供来自乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌属的五种研究驱动的益生菌菌株的混合物。
由于人体近 80% 的免疫活性细胞位于肠道相关淋巴组织中,因此肠道和免疫系统之间存在重要联系。除了支持胃肠道健康外,HMF Immune 还提供 Bl-04,这种菌株已在临床试验中证明可降低身体活跃的成年人患上上呼吸道疾病的风险和持续时间。同样,它还提供 CUL-60、CUL-21、CUL-34 和 CUL-20,临床试验证明,这些成分与维生素 C 结合使用可支持上呼吸道健康。为了进一步帮助维持免疫功能,HMF Immune 含有维生素 C 和 D。维生素 C 通过调节淋巴细胞增殖、自然杀伤细胞活性和免疫球蛋白生成来支持免疫系统,而维生素 D 则有助于控制 T 细胞活化、细胞因子释放和巨噬细胞吞噬作用。研究表明,维生素 C 和 D 在维持呼吸道免疫功能方面可能特别有效。
- 降低活跃成年人患上上呼吸道疾病的风险和持续时间
- 每剂提供 300 亿菌落形成单位 (CFU),由五种专有菌株组合而成,外加维生素 C 和 D
- 有助于维持正常的肌肉功能和营养代谢
- 每日一次咀嚼片,具有美味的天然黑加仑子风味无过敏原配方:不含乳制品、不含麸质、不含转基因成分、不含 FOS、素食
每日随餐咀嚼 1 片或按照健康专家的建议服用。
份量 1 片:每容器份量 30 - 每份含量 % DV
维生素 C(抗坏血酸) 100 毫克 111%
维生素 D3(胆钙化醇) 25 微克(1,000 IU) 125%
益生菌联盟 300 亿菌落形成单位
嗜酸乳杆菌 (CUL-60 & CUL-21)
动物双歧杆菌乳亚种 (CUL-34)
& 双歧双歧杆菌 (CUL-20)
动物双歧杆菌乳亚种 (BI-04)
* 每日摄入量 (DV) 未确定
正在怀孕或哺乳,有任何健康问题或正在服用任何药物,请在使用前咨询您的健康专家。如果出现消化不良症状,请停止使用并咨询您的健康专家。请放在儿童接触不到的地方。本产品已密封以保护您的安全。如果盒子或内容物已打开或损坏,请勿使用。冷藏储存(低于 46 °F)。
Product Description
The Genestra HMF Immune combines proprietary probiotics with vitamins C and D to provide targeted support for the immune system. Each convenient, once-daily chewable tablet provides a blend of five research-driven probiotic strains from both the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera.
- Reduces the risk of developing and the duration of upper respiratory tract illness in physically active adults
- Offers 30 billion CFU per dose from a combination of five proprietary strains, plus vitamins C and D
- Helps to maintain proper muscle function and nutrient metabolism
- Once-daily chewable tablet available in a delicious natural blackcurrant flavour
- Allergen free formula: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, GMO Free, No FOS, Vegetarian
Recommended Dose:
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 100 mg 111%
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 25 mcg (1,000 IU) 125%
Probiotic Consortium 30 billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (CUL-60 & CUL-21)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (CUL-34)
& Bifidobacterium bifidum (CUL-20)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BI-04)
* Daily value (DV) not established
Other ingredients: Xylitol, black currant fruit extract, sorbitol, natural black currant flavor, silica, magnesium stearate
If you have an immune-compromised condition, do not use. If you
are pregnant or lactating, have any health condition or are taking any medication, consult your health professional before use. If symptoms of digestive upset occur, stop use and consult your health professional. Keep out of the reach of children. This product was sealed for your protection. Do not use if box or contents are open or damaged. Storeunder refrigeration (below 46 °F).
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.