目前,加拿大每 6 对夫妇中就有 1 对面临生育问题。当然,不孕不育可能是由于男性或女性健康问题,或双方的某种问题所致。虽然可能存在多种潜在原因或复杂因素,但男性不育通常是由于精子形态不良、精子数量减少、精子活力不佳或这三种问题的组合所致。Cyto-Matrix 的 Fertility Matrix - 精子活力支持旨在改善所有这些精子参数,增加睾酮,并最终提高男性生育能力。
辅酶 Q10 是治疗男性不育症最有前途的抗氧化剂之一。作为线粒体功能和 ATP 能量产生的必需营养素,有数十项研究单独或与其他营养素结合证明了对精子参数的有益影响。2021 年对 24 项试验的系统评价发现,辅酶 Q10 剂量为 100-400 毫克/天可持续改善精子活力、形态和数量、精液抗氧化活性和妊娠率。虽然治疗持续时间往往与精子参数呈正相关,但一些研究甚至发现在停止补充后长达 12 个月内对精子参数有益。
如上所述,为了提高男性生育能力,CoQ10 通常与锌和硒等其他营养素搭配使用。锌在男性健康的各个方面(包括睾酮生成)的作用早已被研究,其对生育能力和精子健康的影响也不例外。一项对 20 项研究的荟萃分析发现,不育男性的精浆中锌浓度明显较低,补充锌可以增加精液量,同时改善精子活力和形态。锌与维生素 E、C 和叶酸等其他维生素结合使用也显示出对精子数量有益。至于硒,它不仅与锌和 CoQ10 等其他抗氧化剂结合使用对精子参数有益,而且 3 个月内每天单独补充 100 微克或更多也显示出对精子数量和活力有益。这是有道理的,因为硒对于正常的精子发生是必需的。
就线粒体能量产生这一主题而言,男性生殖道中(尤其是附睾)的肉碱浓度较高,表明其在能量代谢和精子成熟过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。肉碱通过将脂肪酸转运到线粒体中来为精子提供能量,从而提高精子活力。十多项人体临床试验已证实,使用 L-肉碱、乙酰-L-肉碱(能够进入中枢神经系统的形式)或两者结合可提高精子活力和活力,而许多此类研究已表明妊娠率有所提高。
就睾酮产生而言,维生素 D 是除锌之外的另一种关键营养素。虽然还需要更多研究来确定睾酮调节的确切关系,但在许多观察性试验中,血清维生素 D 浓度已被发现是总睾酮水平的重要、积极的预测指标。此外,一项干预性试验发现,补充维生素 D 有助于提高基线时缺乏维生素 D 的男性的睾酮水平。
印度醉茄是一种适应原草本植物,也称为南非醉茄,在男性健康领域也有类似的应用。具体来说,KSM-66® 南非醉茄是一种专有的全光谱印度醉茄根提取物,与其他南非醉茄根提取物不同,因为研究显示,藏红花可以改善男性的精子参数、肌肉强度和睾酮水平。一项 KSM-66® 研究显示,在 90 天后,少精子症男性的精子数量增加了 167%,精液量增加了 53%,精子活力增加了 57%。 KSM-66® 还进行了 20 多项人体临床试验,以证明其在记忆和认知、减轻压力、改善甲状腺功能和体重管理方面的功效。
生育基质 - 精子活力支持结合了所有这些有证据支持的营养素,以支持精子活力、形态和数量,优化睾酮水平,增强性欲并提高男性的生育能力。生育基质 - 精子活力支持采用方便的菠萝味粉末,以提高依从性和易用性。每瓶 150 克的瓶子含有 25 天的用量。生育基质 - 精子活力支持是纯素食的,不含转基因生物、麸质、大豆和乳制品。
- 旨在支持男性生育能力,包括精子活力、形态和数量,以及睾酮水平和性欲
- 辅酶 Q10 和乙酰左旋肉碱提供线粒体支持,以改善精子参数并提高怀孕率
- 锌和硒以双甘氨酸螯合物形式提供,以实现最佳吸收和耐受性,旨在提供抗氧化支持以对抗活性氧并最终改善精子发生和精子参数
- 维生素 D 水平不理想与男性睾酮水平低有关,补充剂可能有助于增加维生素 D 缺乏者的睾酮水平
- 藏红花已被证实能有效改善勃起功能障碍症状,提高整体性功能,改善男性精子参数
- KSM-66 南非醉茄是一种专有的全光谱印度人参根提取物,不含酒精或化学溶剂,已被证实能改善男性精子参数、肌肉强度和睾酮水平
- 每瓶 150 克的菠萝味粉末含有 25 天的用量,可提高依从性和易用性
- 纯素食,不含转基因生物、麸质、大豆和乳制品
每 6g 勺
成分 数量
乙酰左旋肉碱 (HCL) 3000mg
KSM-66® 南非醉茄 (根,印度醉茄) 12:1,DHE 7200mg,5% 醉茄内酯*** 600mg
CoQ10 (辅酶 Q10) 300mg
Safr'Inside™ 藏红花提取物 (柱头,番红花) 5:1,DHE 150mg* 30mg
锌 (Albion™ 锌双甘氨酸螯合物)** 25mg
硒 (Albion™ 硒甘氨酸复合物)** 55mcg
维生素 D3 (胆钙化醇) 1000IU /相当于 25mcg
成年男性 - 每天用少量水或果汁服用一勺,或按照医疗保健专业人员的指示服用。与食物一起服用,在服用其他药物或天然保健品前或后几个小时服用。
至少使用 8 周才能看到对身体表现的有益效果。
如果密封破损,请勿使用。使用前请咨询医疗保健专业人员,尤其是如果您患有良性前列腺肥大和/或前列腺癌,如果您被诊断出患有性欲减退、性功能障碍、勃起功能障碍、肝病、肾病、甲状腺疾病和/或癫痫症。如果您患有任何心理障碍和/或疾病,如频繁焦虑或抑郁,或者您正在服用降压药或血液稀释剂,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。为了排除不孕症的严重原因的诊断,或者如果症状持续或恶化,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。对于睡眠辅助;如果失眠持续超过 4 周(慢性失眠症),请咨询医疗保健专业人员。避免与酒精或引起嗜睡的产品一起服用。
Product Description
As many as 1 in 6 Canadian couples now experience fertility challenges. Of course, infertility may arise as a result of male or female health issues, or some combination of concerns with both partners. While there may be multiple underlying causes or complicating factors, male infertility is often caused by poor sperm morphology, decreased sperm count, suboptimal sperm motility, or some combination of the three concerns. Fertility Matrix - Sperm Motility Support by Cyto-Matrix is designed to improve all of these sperm parameters, increase testosterone and, ultimately, improve male fertility.
A common theme surrounding disrupted sperm parameters is mitochondrial damage as a result of reactive oxygen species from environmental exposures. This generally explains the detrimental effects of alcohol, smoking, poor diet and other factors that impact male fertility. However, this may also explain why a number of reviews and meta-analyses have definitively demonstrated the ability for antioxidants and mitochondrial nutrients to not only improve sperm parameters, but also increase live birth rates and pregnancy rates in subfertile couples.
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most promising antioxidants for treating male infertility. As a necessary nutrient for mitochondrial function and ATP energy production, there are dozens of studies on its own or in combination with other nutrients that demonstrate beneficial effects on sperm parameters. A 2021 systematic review of 24 trials found that Coenzyme Q10 doses of 100-400mg/day led to consistent improvements in sperm motility, morphology and count, seminal antioxidant activity and pregnancy rates. While duration of treatments tended to correlate positively with sperm parameters, some studies even found beneficial effects on sperm parameters for up to 12 months after supplementation discontinuation.
As mentioned, CoQ10 for the purposes of improved male fertility is often paired with other nutrients such as zinc and selenium. Zinc’s function in various aspects of male health, including testosterone production, has long been studied and its impact on fertility and sperm health is no different. A meta-analysis of 20 studies found that zinc concentrations in seminal plasma were significantly lower in infertile males and that supplementation is capable of increasing semen volume, while also improving sperm motility and morphology. Zinc in combination with other vitamins such as vitamin E, C and folate have also shown to benefit sperm count. When it comes to selenium, not only is it beneficial for sperm parameters when combined with other antioxidants like zinc and CoQ10, but solo supplementation of 100mcg or more per day over 3 months shows benefit for sperm counts and motility. This makes sense given that selenium is necessary for proper spermatogenesis.
Keeping with the theme of mitochondrial energy production, high concentrations of carnitine are found in the male reproductive tract, especially in the epididymis, suggesting its crucial role in energy metabolism and in the maturation of spermatozoa. Carnitine provides energy to the sperm by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, thereby improving sperm motility. Over a dozen human clinical trials have confirmed the use of either L-carnitine, Acetyl-L-carnitine (the form capable of entering the central nervous system) or a combination of both for improved sperm motility and vitality, while a number of these same studies have shown improved pregnancy rates.
In regards to testosterone production, Vitamin D is another key nutrient above and beyond zinc. While more research is needed to determine the exact relationship for testosterone regulation, serum vitamin D concentrations have been found to be a significant, positive predictor of total testosterone levels in a number of observational trials. In addition, one interventional trial found that vitamin D supplementation helped to increase testosterone levels in men with vitamin D deficiency at baseline.
Finally, various herbal extracts have proven beneficial for male infertility, from improved sperm parameters to greater libido. Crocus sativus, more commonly known as saffron, is one example of a traditional spice that now has evidence to support its classic use as an aphrodisiac. Not only has saffron been studied for mood related concerns, cognitive function and sleep, but modern research has confirmed that for males it can effectively improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, increase overall sexual function and improve sperm parameters.
Withania somnifera, an adaptogenic herb also known as ashwagandha, has similar application in the men’s health world. Specifically, KSM-66® ashwagandha, a proprietary full-spectrum extract of withania root, is unique from other Ashwagandha root extracts as it has been studied and shown to improve sperm parameters, muscle strength and testosterone levels in males. One KSM-66® study showed a 167% increase in sperm count, 53% increase in semen volume and 57% increase in sperm motility in oligospermic men after 90 days. KSM-66® also has over 20 human clinical trials to support its efficacy in areas of memory and cognition, stress reduction, improved thyroid function and weight management.
Fertility Matrix - Sperm Motility Support combines all of these evidenced based nutrients to support sperm motility, morphology and count, optimize testosterone levels, boost libido and improve fertility in males. Fertility Matrix - Sperm Motility Support is offered in a convenient pineapple flavoured powder for improved compliance and ease of use. Each 150 gram bottle contains a 25 day supply. Fertility Matrix - Sperm Motility Support is vegan and free from GMO’s, gluten, soy and dairy.
- Designed to support male fertility, including sperm motility, morphology and count, as well as testosterone levels and libido
- Coenzyme Q10 and acetyl-L-carnitine provide mitochondrial support to improve sperm parameters and improve pregnancy rates
- Zinc and selenium are delivered in their bisglycinate chelate forms for optimal absorption and tolerability, designed to provide antioxidant support to combat reactive oxygen species and ultimately improve spermatogenesis and sperm parameters
- Suboptimal vitamin D levels are associated with low testosterone levels in males and supplementation may help to increase testosterone in vitamin D deficient individuals
- Saffron has been demonstrated to effectively improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, increase overall sexual function and improve sperm parameters in males
- KSM-66 ashwagandha is a proprietary full-spectrum extract of withania root, made without alcohol or chemical solvents, and has been shown to improve sperm parameters, muscle strength and testosterone levels in males
- Each 150 gram bottle contains a 25 day supply in a pineapple flavoured powder for improved compliance and ease of use
- Vegan and free from GMO’s, gluten, soy and dairy
Unit of Measure above:
Each 6g scoop
Ingredient | Amount | |||||
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (HCL) | 3000mg | |||||
KSM-66® Ashwagandha (root, Withania somnifera) 12:1, DHE 7200mg, 5% withanolides*** | 600mg | |||||
CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) | 300mg | |||||
Safr'Inside™ saffron extract (stigma, Crocus sativus) 5:1, DHE 150mg* | 30mg | |||||
Zinc (Albion™ zinc bis-glycinate chelate)** | 25mg | |||||
Selenium (Albion™ selenium glycinate complex)** | 55mcg | |||||
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) | 1000IU / equiv. to 25mcg | |||||
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Citric acid, dextrin, malic acid, silicon dioxide, stevia leaf extract, maltodextrin, glycine, acacia gum, natural orange flavour, natural pineapple flavour.
Directions & Cautions
Helps to promote healthy sperm motility and support libido. Used in herbal medicine as an Adaptogen to help increase energy and resistance to stress. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.
Directions for Use:
Adult males - take one 1 scoop per day in a little water or juice or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take with food, a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.
Duration of use:
Use for a minimum of 8 weeks to see a beneficial effect on physical performance.
Do not use if seal is broken. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use especially if you have benign prostate hypertrophy and/or prostate cancer, if you have been diagnosed with hypoactive sexual disorder, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease and/or a seizure disorder. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use if you suffer from any psychological disorder and/or condition such as frequent anxiety or depression or if you are taking blood pressure medication or blood thinners. To exclude the diagnosis of a serious cause of infertility or if symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional prior to use. For Sleep Aid; Consult a healthcare professional if sleeplessness persists for more than 4 weeks (chronic insomnia). Avoid taking with alcohol or products that cause drowsiness.
Known Adverse Reactions:
May cause digestive problems. Some people may experience drowsiness. Exercise caution if operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle or involved in activities requiring mental alertness.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.