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Advanced Orthomolecular Research

Fem Adapt / 女性健康调理补充剂

Fem Adapt / 女性健康调理补充剂

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B 族维生素包括维生素 B1(硫胺素)、B2(核黄素)、B3(烟酸)、B5(泛酸)、B6(吡哆醇)、B7(生物素)、B9(叶酸)和 B12(钴胺素)。

尽管 B 族维生素在人体中发挥着重要作用,但它们很容易通过尿液和汗液从体内流失。这一事实,加上现代饮食中含有大量加工食品等其他因素,意味着人体很容易缺乏 B 族维生素。此外,某些群体,包括纯素食者、素食者和老年人,更容易缺乏维生素 B。

例如,衰老会影响您从食物中吸收和利用 B12 的能力。缺乏维生素 B 会导致许多健康问题。人体必须将 B 族维生素转化为活性辅酶形式才能吸收它们。有些人的基因变异会降低他们身体进行这些转化的能力。

AOR 优势
适合素食主义者的 Advanced B Complex® 含有所有 B 族维生素,均为活性辅酶形式,且剂量均衡,可确保您从 B 族维生素中获得最大益处。


全谱 B 族维生素

  • 您的身体可随时使用的活性 B 族维生素形式
  • 均衡的比例和临床支持的剂量
  • 支持新陈代谢和红细胞生成
  • 不会引起烟酸“潮红”










B1 硫胺素(苯磷硫胺)
100 毫克
7.5 毫克
B3(烟酸 - 来自 388 毫克肌醇六烟酸酯)
353 毫克
300 毫克
100 毫克
1000 微克
叶酸(L-5-MTHF 钙)
1000 微克
500 微克
酒石酸胆碱(提供 240 毫克胆碱)
600 毫克
393 毫克†

†85 毫克来自肌醇六烟酸,308 毫克,来自肌醇


*NMI 可能会发生变化。请务必阅读并遵循标签以获取准确的成分和过敏原信息。

Product Description

Fem Adapt is AOR’s premium menopause formula that is especially useful for hot flashes. While many formulas on the market contain ingredients with minimal research in menopausal women, doses that are too low or unstandardized botanical extracts, Fem Adapt provides the most powerful, clinically studied, standardized phytoestrogens in research-backed doses. Fem Adapt contains flax lignans, soy isoflavones, black cohosh and a standardized hops extract, which collectively can reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes and other menopausal concerns.

AOR’s Fem Adapt formula not only provides safe and effective relief from menopausal symptoms, but also provides protection against health problems for which the risk increases after menopause, such as cardiovascular complications, osteoporosis and others. This is due to the mild estrogenic activity of the phytoestrogens in the product, which can serve as natural hormone replacement therapy.

Additionally, some of the ingredients in Fem Adapt have been used in herbal medicine to help relieve premenstrual symptoms, including abdominal cramps, muscle and joint pain, nerve pain like sciatica and nervous tension.

NPN: 80034694


  • Helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats while also promoting mood balance
  • Helps balance hormones, reducing the risk of post-menopausal diseases
  • Provides four of the most effective and research-backed phytoestrogen


Linum usitatissimum L. extract (Flax seed)168 mg
Soy Isoflavone extract 60 mg
— Total isoflavones18.2 – 27.4 mg AIE
Black Cohosh extract80 mg
LIFENOL Hops extract 120 mg

Non-medicinal Ingredients:
Microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, maltodextrin and tricalcium phosphate.


Take two capsules daily, or as directed by a qualified health care professional. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond one year.


Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are breastfeeding, taking blood thinners, have a history of hormonal or gynecological disease including ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids, have a liver disorder or develop liver-related symptomsn (e.g. abdominal pain, jaundice, dark urine), are taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) including thyroid hormone replacement therapy or have depression or related diseases. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if you experience breast pain, discomfort or tenderness or if you experience a recurrence of menstruation and/or uterine spotting.

Consumption with alcohol, other medications or natural health products with sedative properties is not recommended. Some people may experience drowsiness. Exercise caution if operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle or involved in activities requiring mental alertness. Hypersensitivity such as an allergy has been known to occur in rare cases, in which case discontinue use. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen, or for use beyond one year.  This product contains corn and soy derived ingredients, do not use if you have such allergies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.