Benylin 适合小朋友!这种葡萄味糖浆可缓解令人厌恶的感冒症状。此外,它不含酒精和蔗糖!
- 干咳
儿童(6 岁及以上)每 6-8 小时服用 10 毫升。每天不要超过 4 剂。(不建议 6 岁以下儿童服用。)
药用成分:氢溴酸右美沙芬(7.5 毫克/5 毫升)。
非药用成分:柠檬酸、FD&C 蓝色 1 号、FD&C 红色 2 号、香料、甘油、甘草酸单铵盐、苯甲酸钠、羧甲基纤维素钠、柠檬酸钠、甜蜜素、山梨糖醇、水。热量:9.2 千卡/5 毫升
请放在儿童接触不到的地方。除非医疗保健人员建议,否则请勿与任何其他咳嗽和感冒药物一起服用,因为可能会造成伤害。请勿超过单次和最大日剂量。过量服用可能会导致严重伤害。如果您的孩子患有哮喘或其他慢性肺部疾病(如慢性支气管炎),或者如果您的孩子正在服用任何其他药物,包括天然保健品、处方药或非处方药,请在使用前咨询医疗保健从业者。请勿与单胺氧化酶抑制剂 (MAOI,抗抑郁药) 一起使用,或在停止服用 MAOI 药物后 2 周内使用。如果症状恶化、持续超过一周,或伴有高烧(高于 38 摄氏度)或产生浓稠的黄/绿色痰,请咨询医疗保健从业者。如果孩子对任何成分过敏,请勿使用。如果出现哮喘、皮疹或瘙痒等过敏反应,请停止使用。副作用可能包括:过敏反应、呼吸困难、抽搐、嗜睡、幻觉和心率加快。
Product Description
Benylin for little ones! This grape-flavoured syrup relieves yucky cold symptoms. Plus, it is free of alcohol and sucrose!
- Dry cough
Children (6 years and over) take 10 mL every 6-8 hours. Do not exceed 4 doses per day. (Not recommended for children under 6 years.)
Medicinal Ingredients: Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide (7.5 mg/5mL).
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Citric acid, FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C Red No. 2, flavour, glycerin, monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, sodium benzoate, sodium carboxymethycellulose, sodium citrate, sodium cyclamate, sorbitol, water. Caloric content: 9.2 Kcal/5 mL
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not give with any other cough and cold medication since harm may occur, unless recommended by a healthcare practitioner. DO NOT exceed the single and maximum daily dose. Overdose may result in serious harm. Talk to a healthcare practitioner before use if your child: has asthma or other chronic lung conditions (such as chronic bronchitis); OR if your child is on any other medication, including natural health products, prescription drugs or nonprescription drugs. DO NOT use with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI, drug for depression) or for 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. If symptoms worsen, last for more than a week, or are accompanied by a high fever (greater than 38 degrees Celsius) or the production of thick yellow/green phlegm, talk to a healthcare practitioner. Do not use if the child is allergic to any of the ingredients. Discontinue use if allergic reactions such as wheezing, rash or itching develop. Side effects may include: allergic reaction, breathing difficulties, convulsions, drowsiness, hallucinations, and rapid heart rate.
Should you require consultation with a pharmacist. Please read the label, warnings and inserts provided by the manufacturer and consult your healthcare professional when purchasing medications or natural health products to be sure the product is right for you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.