Digest Gold™ 酶与其他酶有何不同?
并非所有的酶补充剂都是一样的,而 Digest Gold 拥有市场上最有效的配方。它含有强大的酶,如淀粉酶、脂肪酶、纤维素酶和蛋白酶。这些酶可以分解碳水化合物、脂肪、纤维和蛋白质等复杂食物。*
Enzymedica 专有的 Thera-blend™ 技术意味着 Digest Gold 中的酶将在整个消化道 pH 范围内发挥作用。当其他品牌的酶配方可能在几乎所有酸性或碱性环境中都无法发挥作用时,Digest Gold 将会有效。
什么是 ATPro®?
将 ATPro 与 Digest Gold 混合,可为身体细胞提供营养吸收所需的营养,从而增强能量。*ATP 存在于每个细胞中,它允许营养物质穿过细胞壁,从而让我们保持健康的所有过程得以进行。然而,由于衰老、缺乏运动或食用熟食和加工食品,我们的身体可能开始需要比自然产生的更多的 ATP。
为了帮助消化过程顺利进行,Digest Gold™ 中的 ATPro 是 ATP、柠檬酸镁、植酸酶和 CoQ10 的特殊混合物。ATP 不仅有助于促进营养吸收,而且还是酶的增压剂,可帮助您的身体更好地分解食物。*所有这些都会让您有更多的精力去做您喜欢的事情。
- 分解脂肪、纤维、蛋白质和碳水化合物
- 加速消化
- 增强能量
- 减少偶尔的胀气、腹胀和消化不良
Digest Gold 是美国销量第一的酶配方,其中的酶可分解典型大餐的所有成分,如脂肪、纤维、蛋白质和碳水化合物。*每粒胶囊都能释放营养物质,为您的一天提供能量,缓解偶尔的胀气、腹胀和消化不良。*
Digest Gold 中的酶由 Thera-blend™ 提供动力,在整个消化道中都活跃,最大限度地提高您的健康益处。 ATPro™ 提供必需成分,可增强您的细胞动力,让您在每餐中都拥有更多能量。*
每餐服用 1 粒胶囊。可根据需要服用更多。
Product Description
What are enzymes and how do they work?
Enzymes do digestion. They are naturally occurring proteins that speed up reactions. Enzymes act like tiny scissors, cutting up the food we’ve eaten into smaller components. This helps our body more easily and fully absorb nutrients.
Without enough enzymes, our body can struggle to break down troublesome foods, leading to occasional gas, bloating, indigestion and irregularity. With all-natural enzyme supplementation, your body gets an extra boost to the digestive process, helping maximize energy and contributing to whole-body health.*
If my body and food already produce enzymes, why do I need supplements?
Not only can an enzyme deficiency come from diet and lifestyle, but our bodies naturally produce fewer enzymes as we age. It can be hard to get what we need through diet alone because the process of cooking destroys the enzymes contained within food. Taking an enzyme supplement can help fill in the gap.
What is different about Digest Gold™ enzymes versus others?
Not all enzyme supplements are created equal, and Digest Gold has the most potent formula on the market. It contains powerful enzymes like amylase, lipase, cellulase and protease. These enzymes break down complex foods like carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.*
Enzymedica's proprietary Thera-blend™ technology means that the enzymes found in Digest Gold will work throughout the entire pH spectrum found along your digestive tract. When other brands' enzyme formulas may fall short, in almost all acidic or alkaline environments, Digest Gold will be effective.
What is ATPro®?
Blending ATPro with Digest Gold boosts energy by giving the body’s cells what they need for nutrient absorption.* ATP, which is found in every cell, allows nutrients to pass through the cell wall so that the all the processes that keep us alive and well can occur. However, through aging, lack of exercise or eating cooked and processed food, our bodies may begin to need more ATP than they can naturally produce.
To help the digestive process go full circle, the ATPro in Digest Gold™ is a special blend of ATP, Magnesium Citrate, Phytase and CoQ10. Not only does ATP help boost nutrient absorption, but it’s also a supercharger for enzymes, assisting your body break down food even better.* All of this leads to you having more energy to do what you love.
- Breaks down fat, fiber, protein & carbs*
- Speeds up digestion*
- Boosts energy*
- Reduces occasional gas, bloating & indigestion*
Finally, you can eat without worrying about digestive issues!
The enzymes in Digest Gold, America's #1 selling enzyme formula, break down all the parts of a typical large meal, like fat, fiber, protein and carbohydrates.* Each capsule unlocks nutrients to fuel your day and gives relief for occasional gas, bloating and indigestion.*
Powered by Thera-blend™, the enzymes in Digest Gold are active throughout the entire digestive tract, maximizing your health benefits. ATPro™ provides essential ingredients to boost your cellular powerplant and give you more energy with every meal.*
Bon Appétit!
Suggested Use
Take 1 capsule with each meal. More may be taken as needed.
Consult with a physician prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.