我们每年可能都会去一次热带度假,但其他 50 周呢?维生素 D 有助于钙和磷的吸收,保持骨骼和牙齿强健,预防疾病。补充剂由两种形式之一制成 - D2 或 D3。CanPrev 仅在其软胶囊中使用维生素 D3,原因如下。
维生素 D2(麦角钙化醇)在植物、蘑菇和酵母中进行光合作用,通常用于维生素 D 强化食品和一些补充剂中。维生素 D3(胆钙化醇)被称为“阳光”维生素,当太阳的 UVB 射线照射到皮肤时,人体很容易合成。它是维生素 D 的最天然形式,与维生素 D2 相比具有更好的吸收率。
CanPrev 的 D3 提供了一种补充这种关键维生素的便捷方法。每粒 D3 软胶囊的配方可提供 1,000 IU 的维生素 D3。D3 悬浮在由有机椰子油制成的中链甘油三酯基质中。椰子油是一种稳定的脂肪酸,可增强脂溶性营养素的吸收。一年中的每一天,使用 CanPrev 的 D3 和 D3 & K2 软胶囊,享受阳光假期的好处。
- 使用有机椰子油增强吸收
- 帮助建立和维持骨骼健康
- 来自羊毛脂的维生素 D3 胆钙化醇
- 不含填充剂、赋形剂或人工色素
成分 量
维生素 D3(胆钙化醇,来自羊毛脂)1000IU(25mcg)
有机初榨椰子油(产出 65-75% 的中链甘油三酯)*、牛明胶、甘油、纯净水。 *有机椰子油在 23 至 27 ̊C 之间融化。如果软胶囊的内容物看起来是白色固体或金色液体,则属于正常现象。
D3 有助于身体吸收和利用钙,并支持骨骼和牙齿的发育和维护。
成人 - 每天随餐服用一 (1) 粒软胶囊,或按照医疗保健从业人员的指示服用。
Product Description
Tropical vacations are something we might manage once a year, but what about the other 50 weeks? Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus to keep your bones and teeth strong and protect against disease. Supplements are made from one of two forms – D2 or D3. CanPrev only uses vitamin D3 in their softgels and here’s why.
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is photosynthesized in plants, mushrooms and yeasts and used typically in vitamin D fortified foods and some supplements. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), is known as the “sunshine” vitamin and is easily synthesized by the body when the sun’s UVB rays strike the skin. It is the most natural form of vitamin D and offers superior absorption compared to vitamin D2.
CanPrev’s D3 offers a convenient way to supplement this critical vitamin. Each softgel of D3 is formulated to provide 1,000 IU of vitamin D3. D3 is suspended in a medium chain triglyceride base made from organic coconut oil. Coconut oil is a stable fatty acid that enhances the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Get the benefits of a sunshine vacation every day of the year with CanPrev’s D3 and D3 & K2 softgels.
- Absorption enhanced with organic coconut oil
- Helps build and maintain bone health
- Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol from lanolin
- No fillers, excipients or artificial colours
Each softgel
Ingredient | Amount |
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, from lanolin) | 1000IU (25mcg) |
Non-Medicinal Ingredients
Organic virgin coconut oil (yielding 65-75% medium chain triglycerides)*, bovine gelatin, glycerin, purified water. *Organic coconut oil melts between 23 and 27 ̊C. It is normal if the contents of the softgel appear to be solid white or a golden liquid.
Recommended Use
D3 assists the body in the absorption and utilization of calcium and supports the development and maintenance of bones and teeth.
Adults - Take one (1) softgel per day with food or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
As with any natural health product, you should consult a healthcare practitioner on the use of this product. Do not use if seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.