SYSTANE® 由领先的视力和眼部护理产品供应商创建,是医生和药剂师推荐的头号品牌。SYSTANE® Complete 是专为所有类型干眼症设计的多合一眼药水。它旨在通过保湿配方提供即时和全天*的干眼症状缓解。每一滴 SYSTANE® Complete 都由微小的纳米油滴组成,这些油滴与关键成分相结合,形成保护基质,并在眼球表面提供舒缓的水分。这种增强的覆盖网络可提供长时间的保湿和持久的保护,以实现最佳的干眼缓解。
*8 小时
- 多合一眼药水:适用于所有类型干眼症的多合一眼药水,提供多种症状缓解和持久的保湿。
- 保湿配方:由微小的纳米油滴组成,这些油滴与关键成分相结合,形成保护基质,并在眼球表面提供舒缓的水分。为眼部表面提供舒缓的水分。
- 适用于所有类型的干眼症:保护和补充泪膜的所有层,提供持久的保护和保湿,以最佳方式缓解干眼症。
- #1 医生和药剂师推荐品牌。
务必遵循眼科医生的指示和所有标签说明,以正确使用产品。如果您持续出现眼睛不适、流泪过多、头痛、视力变化或眼睛发红,请停止使用 SYSTANE Complete 并咨询眼科医生,因为问题可能会变得更加严重。暂时视力模糊或其他视觉障碍可能会影响驾驶或使用机器的能力。如果使用后出现视力模糊,请等到视力清晰后再驾驶或使用机器。注意事项 仅供眼部使用。为避免污染,切勿将容器的滴管头接触任何表面。如果乳液变色,请勿使用。使用后盖上盖子。请勿储存在 2°C 以下。请勿储存在 30°C 以上。不使用时,请保持容器密闭。在产品上标明的有效期前使用。防篡改:如果安全密封损坏或丢失,请勿使用。如果包装已打开或损坏,请勿使用。开封后最多可使用三个月。首次开封后三个月内丢弃任何剩余溶液。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。如果吞下,请寻求医疗帮助。
Product Description
Created by the leading provider of vision and eye care products, SYSTANE® is the #1 Doctor and Pharmacist recommended brand. SYSTANE® Complete is the all-in-one eye drop designed for all types of dry eye. It's designed to provide instant and all day* symptom relief from dry eye symptoms through a hydrating formulation. Every drop of SYSTANE® Complete is made up of tiny, nano-sized oil droplets which combined with key ingredients, form a matrix of protection & deliver soothing moisture across the eye's surface. This enhanced network of coverage provides prolonged hydration and lasting protection for optimal dry eye relief.
*8 hours
- ALL-IN-ONE EYE DROP: The all-in-one eye drop for all types of dry eye providing multi-symptom relief and lasting hydration.
- HYDRATING FORMULA: Made up of tiny, nano-sized oil droplets which combined with key ingredients, form a matrix of protection & deliver soothing moisture across the eye's surface.
- FOR ALL TYPES OF DRY EYE: Protects and replenishes all layers of the tear film providing lasting protection and hydration for optimal dry eye relief.
It is essential that you follow your eye care practitionerΒs directions and all labeling instructions for proper use of the product. If you experience persistent eye discomfort, excessive tearing, headache, vision changes, or redness of the eye, stop using SYSTANE Complete and consult your eye care practitioner as the problem could become more serious. Temporary blurred vision or other visual disturbances may affect the ability to drive or use machines. If blurred vision occurs after application, wait until the vision clears before driving or using machinery. Precautions For ocular use only. To avoid contamination, never touch the dropper tip of the container to any surface. Do not use if the emulsion becomes discolored. Replace cap after using. Do not store below 2ΰC. Do not store above 30C. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Use before the expiration date marked on the product. TAMPER EVIDENT: Do not use if security seal is damaged or missing. Do not use if package has been opened or damaged. Can be used for up to three months after opening. Discard any remaining solution three months after first opening. Keep out of the reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.