这款虫咬止痒膏非常适合放在露营急救包中,有助于减轻蚊虫叮咬、黄蜂叮咬和其他虫咬引起的肿胀和发红。这种虫咬药含有 2% w/v 苯海拉明
- 儿童虫咬缓解剂可快速缓解昆虫叮咬引起的瘙痒和疼痛
- 虫咬缓解剂可缓解昆虫叮咬引起的瘙痒、疼痛、肿胀和轻微皮肤刺激
- 含有外用抗组胺剂/止痛剂和皮肤保护剂,可快速止痒
- 缓解蚊子、黑蝇、蜜蜂、马蝇和黄蜂的虫咬
- 方便的棒状形式使其便于携带和使用,可快速有效地缓解虫咬
2 岁及以上的儿童:每天在患处涂抹不超过 3 至 4 次。
2-12 岁儿童使用:应由成人监督使用 2 岁以下儿童:请咨询医生 不要使用超过指示的剂量
药用成分(W/V):2% 盐酸苯海拉明(局部麻醉、镇痛、止痒);0.1% 醋酸锌(皮肤保护剂)
仅供外用 易燃性警告:易燃。远离火源或火焰。 请勿使用: - 皮肤破损、起水泡或生疮部位 - 水痘、麻疹或大面积身体部位 - 与任何其他含有苯海拉明的产品一起使用,即使是口服产品 - 如果您对本产品中的任何成分过敏 - 如果您怀孕或哺乳,除非医生指示。使用本产品时,避免接触眼睛或其他粘膜。如果接触,请用水彻底冲洗。
如果出现以下情况,请停止使用并咨询医生:- 病情恶化 - 症状持续超过 7 天 - 症状消失并在几天内再次出现 - 出现灼热感或皮疹。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。如果吞下,请立即致电毒物控制中心或寻求医疗帮助。
Product Description
Children's Benadryl Bug Bite Relief gives fast, medicated relief of itchiness and pain associated with bug bites and skin irritations. This itch relief stick is focused on children's needs for a solution to the itch and pain caused by bug bites, insect bites, mosquito bites, stings, and minor skin irritations. Made with an antihistamine to give itch relief for bug bites from mosquitos, black flies, bees, horse flies and wasps. It's easy to apply and dab for topical application on sensitive or irritated skin.
This bug bite remedy is ideal to place in your camping first aid kid to help reduce swelling and redness from mosquito bites, wasp bites and other bug bites. This bug bite remedy contains 2% w/v Diphenhydramine
- Children's Bug Bite Relief gives fast, medicated relief of itch and pain caused by insect bites
- Bug bite relief for itch, pain, swelling and minor skin irritations caused by insect bites
- Contains a topical antihistamine/analgesic and skin protectant that provides fast itch relief
- Provides relief of bug bites from mosquitos, black flies, bees, horse flies and wasps
- Convenient stick format makes it portable and easy to apply for fast and effective bug bite relief
Shake well. Hold stick straight down over affected skin area. Press tip of stick repeatedly until solution flows, then dab sparingly Children 2 years of age and older: apply to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily .
For use in children 2-12 years: application should be supervised by an adult Children under 2 years: consult a doctor Do not use more than directed
Medicinal Ingredient (W/V): 2% Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Topical Anaesthetic,Analgesic, Antipruritic); 0.1% Zinc Acetate (Skin Protectant) Inactive Ingredients: Alcohol, Glycerin, Povidone, Tromethamine, Water
For external use only Flammability warning: Flammable. Keep away from fire or flame. Do not use: - On broken, blistered, or raw areas of the skin - On chicken pox, measles or large areas of the body - with any other product containing diphenhydramine, even one taken by mouth - if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this product - if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a doctor. When using this product avoid contact with eyes or other mucous membranes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.
Stop use and ask a doctor if: - condition worsens - symptoms last more than 7 days - symptoms clear up and occur again within a few days- burning sensation or rash develops. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, call a poison control centre or get medical help right away.
You should require consultation with a pharmacist. Please read the label, warnings and inserts provided by the manufacturer and consult your healthcare professional when purchasing medications or natural health products to be sure the product is right for you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.