Camilia 可缓解出牙引起的疼痛、烦躁、易怒和腹泻。不含苯佐卡因和防腐剂,含有天然活性成分,不含糖,不含染料
CAMILIA 出牙症状缓解:Camilia 可缓解出牙引起的疼痛、烦躁、易怒和腹泻。Camilia 出牙滴剂专为 1-30 个月的婴儿和幼儿开发。这种婴儿顺势疗法药物不含糖和染料。
方便的铝制袋:Boiron 的儿童顺势疗法药物采用无菌单剂量单位包装在铝制袋中。在尿布袋、钱包或背包中准备额外的剂量,这样如果您的宝宝出现症状,您就可以随时准备。
- 成立于 1932 年:Boiron 在加拿大已有 30 年历史,您可以信赖 Boiron 顺势疗法药物为您的整个家庭(从新生儿到老人)提供药物。顺势疗法药物可能并不适合所有人,请务必阅读并遵循标签。
Product Description
Camilia relieves pain, restlessness, irritability and diarrhea due to teething. Benzocaine-Free and Preservative-Free with Natural Active Ingredient,No Sugar, No Dye
- CAMILIA TEETHING SYMPTOMS RELIEF: Camilia relieves pain, restlessness, irritability & diarrhea from teething symptoms. Camilia teething drops are developed for babies & toddlers ages 1-30 months. This homeopathic medicine for babies has no sugar & no dye.
- CONVENIENT ALUMINUM POUCH: Boiron's homeopathic medicines for children are packaged in sterile, single dose units within aluminum pouches. Keep extra doses on hand in the diaper bag, purse or backpack, so you are ready if your baby experiences symptoms.
- HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES FOR KIDS: As a parent, it can be tough to find the appropriate medicine to relieve your baby's ailments. Our line of homeopathic medicine for children provides you with effective solutions in sterile, drinkable unit-doses.
- FOUNDED IN 1932: With a presence in Canada for 30 years, you can rely on Boiron homeopathic medicines for your whole family, from newborns to the elderly. Homeopathic medicines may not be right for everyone, always read and follow the label.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.