Weleda 金盏花强效皮肤修复霜浓缩度极高,可舒缓敏感肌肤。它采用高比例的生物动力种植金盏花配制而成,这些金盏花均采摘自德国 Weleda 自己的花园。这款面霜不含转基因生物、合成防腐剂、香料、着色剂和石油衍生的原材料。
- 经 B 公司认证
- 经天然个人护理认证
- 经 UEBT 认证
- Terracycle
- 未进行动物测试
- 不含对羟基苯甲酸酯、邻苯二甲酸酯和防腐剂
有效成分:金盏花 MT (M) 5g。
Product Description
Weleda Calendula Intensive Skin Recovery Cream is highly concentrated and calms sensitive skin. It’s formulated with a high percentage of biodynamically grown calendula, handpicked from Weleda's own gardens in Germany. This cream is free of GMOs, synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colorants and raw materials derived from petroleum.
- Certified B Corporation
- Certified natural personal care
- UEBT Certified
- Terracycle
- No animal testing
- Free of parabens, phthalates and preservatives
Active Ingredients: Calendula Officinalis MT (M) 5g.
Inactive Ingredients: Beeswax, Lanolin, Lanolin Alcohols, Sesame Oil, Water.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.