使用 Organika 婴儿益生菌滴剂(含维生素 D)促进肠道菌群健康,骨骼和牙齿强健。这些易于使用的滴剂结合了有保证的活性益生菌菌株和维生素 D,有助于缓解绞痛,减少母乳喂养婴儿的哭闹。健康的肚子让宝宝更快乐!
- 有助于减少母乳喂养婴儿因绞痛而哭闹的时间
- 提供有益健康的活微生物
- 维生素 D 来源,是正常生长发育的因素
- 有助于强健骨骼和牙齿
- 有助于维持免疫功能
将 5 滴与母乳或婴儿配方奶粉混合,或直接从滴管滴入婴儿口中,每天 1 次。
可能导致某些人出现胃肠道紊乱。如果您的免疫力低下,请勿服用。 24 小时内请勿超过 5 滴。请勿添加到热饮或食物中。
Product Description
Promote a healthy gut flora and the development of strong bones and teeth with Organika’s Baby Probiotic Drops with Vitamin D. Pairing guaranteed active probiotic strains and vitamin D, these easy-to-use drops help to soothe colic, reducing crying and fussing in breast-fed infants. A healthy tummy makes a happy baby!
- Helps reduce crying and fussing time due to colic in breastfed infants
- Provides live microorganisms to benefit health
- Source of Vitamin D, a factor in normal growth and development
- Helps to build strong bones and teeth
- Helps to maintain immune function
Recommended Dosage:
May Cause Gastrointestinal disturbances in some. Do not take if you have immune-comprimised condition. Do not exceed 5 drops in 24 hours. Do not add to hot drink or food.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.