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Advanced Orthomolecular Research

Advanced Magnesium Complex® / 高级镁复合物®

Advanced Magnesium Complex® / 高级镁复合物®

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镁是人体 300 多种不同生化反应所必需的。Advanced Magnesium Complex® 是一种生物可利用配方,将四种镁源结合成一种综合补充剂,以确保满足人体对镁的需求。该配方包括天冬氨酸镁、抗坏血酸镁、苹果酸镁和甘氨酸镁。它们最容易被人体各个系统代谢,每种形式都比单独的镁提供更多益处。

镁含量降低与维生素 C 含量降低有关,这就是抗坏血酸镁成为该配方的一部分的原因。甘氨酸镁是镁的主要来源,因为它对消化道最温和,不会引起腹泻。

AOR 优势

AOR 的 Advanced Magnesium Complex® 提供全面的镁配方,其中包含四种最易吸收、最有效和耐受性良好的镁形式,确保人体充分吸收和利用,并允许个人身体化学和需求的变化。它还提供有用的盐或螯合物形式,其益处超出了单独使用镁的好处,而且没有氧化镁引起的消化问题。



  • 天冬氨酸镁、抗坏血酸镁、苹果酸镁和甘氨酸镁
  • 帮助身体代谢营养物质
  • 支持肌肉功能、骨骼健康和心脏健康










100 毫克
— 甘氨酸镁*
— 天冬氨酸镁*
— 苹果酸镁*
— 抗坏血酸镁

维生素 C(来自抗坏血酸镁)
100 毫克

*提供 480 毫克甘氨酸、50 毫克天冬氨酸、50 毫克苹果酸。


*NMI 可能会发生变化。请务必阅读并遵循标签以获取准确的成分和过敏原信息。

Product Description

Magnesium is required for over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body. Advanced Magnesium Complex® is bioavailable formula that combines four sources of magnesium into one comprehensive supplement to ensure the body’s magnesium needs are met. This formula includes magnesium aspartate, magnesium ascorbate, magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate. They are most easily metabolized by various systems in the body, and each form provides more benefits than just magnesium alone.

Decreased magnesium levels have been linked with decreased vitamin C levels, which is why magnesium ascorbate is part of this formula. Magnesium glycinate is included as the primary source of magnesium, as it is the gentlest on the digestive tract and won’t cause diarrhea.

AOR Advantage

AOR’s Advanced Magnesium Complex® provides a comprehensive magnesium formula which contains four of the most absorbable, effective and well-tolerated forms of magnesium, ensuring adequate absorption and usage by the body, and allowing for variations in individual body chemistry and requirements. It also provides useful salt or chelate forms whose benefits extend beyond those of magnesium alone, without the digestive problems caused by magnesium oxide.


Magnesium benefits from four bioavailable forms

  • Magnesium aspartate, magnesium ascorbate, magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate
  • Helps the body to metabolize nutrients
  • Supports muscle function, bone health and heart health

Label Information:



Adult Dosage

Take one to three capsules daily with/without food, or as directed by a qualified health care practitioner.


None known.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: One Capsule

Magnesium from:
100 mg
 Mg glycinate*

 Mg aspartate*

 Mg malate*

 Mg ascorbate

Vitamin C (from Mg ascorbate)
100 mg

*Provides 480 mg glycine, 50 mg aspartate, 50 mg malate.

Non-medicinal Ingredients*: sodium stearyl fumarate and microcrystalline cellulose. Capsule: hypromellose.

*NMIs are subject to change. Always read and follow the label for accurate ingredient and allergen information.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.