通常在药房或医生办公室,您可能会看到质子泵抑制剂等产品,这些产品是为经常胃灼热的人提供的。频繁胃灼热是最适合这些药物的疾病。然而,许多人只是偶尔经历胃灼热——尤其是因为某些食物或饮食。像 Acid Soothe 这样的膳食补充剂可以帮助偶尔胃灼热的患者,而不会产生频繁胃灼热药物的负面副作用。*
Acid Soothe™ 有什么不同?
并非所有酶补充剂都是一样的,而 Acid Soothe™ 具有强大的配方。它含有 Thera-blend™ 酶,有助于分解碳水化合物、脂肪和纤维等麻烦的食物。*和蛋白质。Thera-blend™ 结合了多种酶菌株,让您在多个 pH 水平和整个消化道中获得益处。
Acid Soothe™ 还含有矿物质和植物药的混合物,包括锌肌肽、蜀葵根、木瓜叶和积雪草。锌肌肽可优化胃粘膜内层。* 蜀葵根可缓解肠道粘膜的刺激,并有助于平衡粘液的产生量。* 木瓜叶可以舒缓和清洁肠道。* 积雪草为肠道组织提供额外支持。*
- 舒缓消化刺激的草药
- 锌肌肽有助于重建消化内壁
- 消化酶可分解问题食物
- 增加营养吸收
由于胃灼热不仅仅是胃酸引起的,我们制作了一款全方位的产品 — 草药可舒缓消化道,锌肌肽可修复肠道内壁,酶可分解问题食物。*您唯一要做的就是再次享受美食。
用餐结束后服用 1 粒胶囊。
Product Description
The better digested our foods are, the less likely they are to cause occasional heartburn, making enzymes a great choice for relief.*
How does digestion affect heartburn?
While the foods we eat may have a big impact on whether or not we feel the symptoms of occasional heartburn, our digestion plays an equally important role. If our gut has difficulty breaking down difficult foods like carbs and fat, it can end up giving us a whole host of uncomfortable symptoms, including heartburn and indigestion.
How can enzymes help?
Enzymes are a great natural solution for digesting troublesome foods that cause occasional heartburn and indigestion.* Each type of enzyme targets and breaks down a different food, providing just the support the gut needs.* While enzymes naturally occur in the foods we eat, the process of cooking destroys them. Our levels of naturally-produced enzymes often lower with age, making it necessary to take an enzyme supplement for the proper digestion we need.
What is the difference between frequent and occasional heartburn?
Often at the pharmacy or your doctor's office, you may see products like proton pump inhibitors that are offered for those with frequent heartburn. Frequent heartburn is a medical condition best suited for these drugs. However, many individuals only experience heartburn occasionally — especially from certain foods or diets. Dietary supplements like Acid Soothe can support occasional heartburn sufferers, without the negative side effects of frequent heartburn medications.*
What's different about Acid Soothe™?
Not all enzyme supplements are created equal, and Acid Soothe™ has a powerful formula. Containing Thera-blend™ enzymes, it helps break down troublesome foods like carbohydrates, fats, and fiber.* and protein. With Thera-blend™, multiple enzyme strains are combined, allowing you to receive the benefits at multiple pH levels and across the whole digestive tract.
Acid Soothe™ also contains a blend of minerals and botanicals, including zinc carnosine, marshmallow root, papaya leaf and gotu kola. Zinc carnosine optimizes the mucosal lining of the stomach.* Marshmallow root relieves irritation of the mucous membranes in the gut and helps balance the amount of mucous that is made.* Papaya leaf is known to soothe and cleanse the gut.* Gotu kola provides additional support for the tissue of the gut.*
- Soothing herbs for digestive irritation*
- Zinc Carnosine to help rebuild digestive lining*
- Digestive enzymes to break down problem foods*
- Increases nutrient absorption*
Don’t let occasional heartburn keep you from your favorite foods.
Since heartburn is about more than just stomach acid, we made a product for all aspects — with herbs to soothe the digestive tract, zinc carnosine to repair the gut lining and enzymes to break down troublesome foods.* The only thing left for you to do is to enjoy food again.
Suggested Use
Take 1 capsule at the end of a meal.
Consult with a physician prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.