Pepcid AC 原味片剂,30 片,可预防或缓解胃灼热和胃酸过多。这些片剂含有酸减少剂成分法莫替丁,可控制过量胃酸的产生,预防或缓解胃灼热、胃酸过多以及因食用或饮用某些食物和饮料引起的胃部不适或胃酸过多。您可以服用 Pepcid AC 来控制胃酸长达 12 小时。在第一次进食前十分钟服用 Pepcid AC 可防止胃灼热*。Pepcid AC 片剂易于吞咽,有 30 片和 60 片包装。
*如果在饭前 10 到 15 分钟服用,可防止胃灼热。
- Pepcid AC 原味片剂,60 片,可缓解和预防胃灼热和胃酸过多
- 减少和控制胃酸长达 12 小时,有助于缓解和预防胃部不适和胃酸过多
- 第一次进食前 10 分钟服用 Pepcid AC,防止胃灼热发生
- 含有酸抑制剂法莫替丁,制成易于吞咽的片剂
使用本产品前请阅读包装说明书。成人和 12 岁或以上的儿童。为预防因食用食物和/或饮料引起的酸相关症状,请在进食前 10 至 15 分钟服用一片。为快速有效地缓解症状,服用一片。如果症状复发,您可以服用另一片。24 小时内不要服用超过两片。如果症状持续超过两周,请咨询医生。
药用成分:法莫替丁 10 毫克。
如果您有超过 3 个月的胃灼热,请在使用前咨询医生或药剂师。这可能是更严重疾病的征兆,胃灼热伴有头晕、出汗和头晕、胸部或肩部疼痛伴有呼吸短促、出汗、疼痛蔓延到手臂或颈部、或头晕、肾脏疾病、溃疡病史或任何其他严重疾病、吞咽困难或持续胃痛,不明原因的体重减轻、严重呕吐、黑便、窒息、服用任何处方药、非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID)、碳酸钙、怀孕或哺乳、年龄超过 40 岁且出现新的或变化的胃酸过多或胃灼热症状。
如果您的胃灼热持续或恶化、出现新症状、您需要服用本产品超过 14 天,请停止使用并咨询医生。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。如果服用过量,请立即致电毒物控制中心或寻求医疗帮助。储存在 15 至 30°C
Product Description
Pepcid AC Original Strength Tablets, 30 Count, work to prevent or relieve heartburn and acid indigestion. Containing the acid-reducer ingredient famotidine, these tablets control the production of excess stomach acid, preventing or relieving heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset or sour stomach brought on by eating or drinking certain food and beverages. You can take Pepcid AC to control stomach acid for up to 12 hours. Take Pepcid AC in as little as ten minutes before your first bite to prevent heartburn before it starts*. Pepcid AC Tablets are easy to swallow and come in 30-count and 60-count packages.
*Prevents heartburn if taken 10 to 15 minutes before a meal.
- Pepcid AC Original Strength Tablets, 60 Count, relieves and prevents heartburn amd acid indigestion
- Reduces and controls stomach acid for up to 12 hours to help relieve and prevent upset and sour stomach
- Take Pepcid AC in as little as ten minutes before your first bite to prevent heartburn before it starts
- Contains the acid reducer famotidine and made in an easy-to-swallow tablet
Read package insert before using this product. Adults and children 12 years of age or older. For prevention of acid-related symptoms brought on by consuming food and/or beverage, take one tablet 10 to 15 minutes before eating. For fast and effective relief of symptoms, take one tablet. If symptoms return, you may take another tablet. Do not take more than two tablets during a 24-hour period. If symptoms persist for more than two consecutive weeks, talk to a doctor.
Medicinal Ingredient: Famotidine 10 mg.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, red ferric oxide, starch, talc, titanium dioxide.
Caution: Do not use with other acid reducers.
Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you have had heartburn for over 3 months. This may be a sign of a more serious condition, heartburn with light headedness, sweating and dizziness, chest or shoulder pain with shortness of breath, sweating, pain spreading to arms or neck, or light headedness, kidney disease, history of ulcer disease or any, other severe illness, difficulty swallowing or continuous stomach pain, unexplained weight loss, severe vomiting, black stool, choking, take any prescription drug, non-steroidal anti-in ammatory drugs (NSAIDs), calcium carbonate, are pregnant or breastfeeding, over 40 years old and have had new or changed symptoms of acid indigestion or heartburn.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in tended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some formulas may be slightly different outside Canada and the US.